'This Week' Transcript: House Speaker Paul Ryan, Paul Manafort, and Sen. Bernie Sanders

A rush transcript for "This Week" on June 12, 2016.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They're reporting shots fired outside of ORC.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: More than 20 people feared dead.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Many lives were lost.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Potentially the worst terror attack on U.S. soil since 9/11.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Investigators ruling not out, including ISIS.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We do have suggestions that, uh, that individual may have leanings toward that -- that particularly ideology.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The scene itself, a bloody shootout, a SWAT team swarming the club, taking out the shooter. Survivors running for their lives as ambulances rushed victims to the hospital.

Now, America on edge this morning, waiting for answers.

From ABC News, it's THIS WEEK.

Here now, chief anchor George Stephanopoulos.


GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS, ABC HOST: And we begin with horrifying news breaking overnight in Florida. What appears to be the deadliest terror attack on American soil since 9/11.

Around 2:00 a.m. a gunman exchanged gunfire with police, took hostages at a nightclub in Orlando.

Three hours later, police SWAT teams move in, kill the gunman and find a scene of carnage.

At least 20 dead, maybe more, with 42 injured taken to local hospitals.

Police believe the gunman acted alone, but he was organized and well prepared, armed with an assault rifle, a handgun, at least one other suspicious device.

They also believe he traveled to Orlando from outside the area and that he may have been motivated by radical ideology, officials calling this an incident of domestic terror.

We have extensive coverage, beginning with ABC's Lauren Lyster on the ground in Orlando -- good morning, Lauren.


You know, this is where it all happened. And you can see that there is still a police presence, still crime tape blocking off the side seats. And I want to show you, now that it is cleared, we can actually see the sign for that nightclub pulled just down about a block and a half, the scene where a fun night of dancing -- it was Latin night -- quickly turned into terror, when, at around 2:00 a.m., that gunman went on a shooting rampage.

Now, eyewitnesses that we've talked to describe a key -- a scene of terror and chaos, with bodies on the ground and blood everywhere. One witness describing to us how he climbed on the ground crawling. And when he came out, according to him, police were tagging bodies based on their injuries, presumably prioritizing their care.

Another eyewitness overnight was still texting with someone inside the club, who he said was in the bathroom and said he had been shot.

We now know that it was a hostage situation. That's how authorities are describing it, and that at 5:000 a.m., they decided to rescue those people. They say rescuing about 30 people.

Now the 42 injured were taken to area hospitals and one of them is just literally at the other end of this block. This is where we saw first responders overnight rushes, ambulances dropping people off. This began a lockdown at 2:00 a.m..

In some of those hospitals that lockdown has now been lifted. But this is where family and friends, who believe that they have a loved one that may have been a victim in this nightclub have been told to gather, to get any word that they can from their loved ones, while anybody in that nightclub is told to go to police headquarters and report to them -- George.

STEPHANOPOULOS: OK, Lauren Lyster, thanks very much.

We want to stay in Orlando right now.

And Terry, thank you for joining us this morning. Our condolences to you and your community.

This nightclub is The Pulse Nightclub, known as the -- one of the largest gay nightclubs, uh, in Orlando. What more can you tell us you're learning from the community?

TERRY DECARLO, LGBT CENTER AT CENTRAL FLORIDA: Well, you know, we -- we don't really know right now. We're working with the police department, with the mayor. You know, it's a tragic situation. You know, as far as we know, we have 20 community members laying on the floor dead right now and we have another 40 to 42 people in the hospital right now. We are doing our best to find out exactly what's going on.

I've been clearance j I've been given clearance, I -- I'm going to head to the hospital just after this to see people there. There's a lot of traumatized people here right now.

We have mobilized our center. We've thrown open our doors. We have counselors heading there right now.

This is just a tragic situation. And we're trying to find out expect what's going on and -- and wrap our heads around how something like this could possibly happen.

STEPHANOPOULOS: And, Terry, I know -- I think this is early. We're going to learn a lot more at this goes on.

Have -- have you had any indications from anyone inside the club or anyone else you've spoken to that the club was targeted because it was a gay nightclub?

DECARLO: We don't know that as of yet. We don't know that as of yet. It's a -- you know, it is an LGBT nightclub. It's one of the largest LGBT nightclubs here in Orlando. We cannot say that it was a specific hit at LGBT nightclubs right at the present time. The police are working on that.

It could have been somebody that was just looking for a packed nightclub and this happened to be the one they picked. We don't know that as of yet.

You know, of course, that's in -- that's in our mind and that's something that will always be in our mind that we're working on, but our police are working on. And as soon as they give us details, you know, we'll give them out.

STEPHANOPOULOS: OK, Terry DeCarlo, thanks (INAUDIBLE) and our condolences.

We do want to bring in Pierre Thomas now, our senior justice correspondent -- Pierre, a lot to go through here right now. Authorities on the scene said they're treating this as an incident of domestic terror.

So far the indications, they believe, this gunman acted alone, but he also had that information, some indications that he was motivated by a radical ideology.

PIERRE THOMAS, ABC NEWS CORRESPONDENT: George, that's the early indication the law enforcement officials checking social media, looking at all of his Internet interactions to see if they can piece together more information.

Again, looks like a lone wolf, according to my sources so far. No indication so far of ties to other associates, which is why you heard them say that they don't believe that there is an ongoing threat.

But right now, every U.S. law enforcement and intelligence agency is checking through their databases to see if they have information on the suspect. They have a name. They're working on confirming it. But they want to know everything that is possibly can be known about this suspect to see if anything else could be coming in the future.

Also, law enforcement officials will be concerned about so-called copycats in the coming days because of concern that people who are unstable or whatever would see this and want to act out -- George.

STEPHANOPOULOS: One of the things they've been pretty definitive about so far, as we look at this overhead, this chopper footage right now of the parking lot, the SUV in the parking lot, they believe, belonging to the gunman, has also been gone through right now with the rob -- robotic device.

Police have said that they believe that he had a suspicious device in addition to the assault rifle and the handgun on his person, perhaps also in his car. So they're trying to get to the bottom of that right now.

But as we said, Pierre, they believe he used that car to come in from outside Orlando to carry this out.

THOMAS: Exactly, George. And they're saying that they believe that this was well planned, well executed and just think about what we saw happen there, according to police, a man who goes in, starts shooting people, engages with police then takes hostages. They have to use a Bearcat armored vehicle to burst through a wall to get in there, to engage the suspect and kill him.

This was a worst case scenario playing out in that city.


Let me get more on that now from FBI Special Agent Brad Garrett, who's also joining us from Washington this morning.

Apparently this thing, I'm told that over several hours, Brad, that first gunfire with the police on the scene at around 2:00 a.m.. The gunman goes inside the club, apparently holds hostages for up to three hours and then around 5:000 a.m., the police said -- the FBI and police go in with that SWAT team.

Describe how that decision would be made.

BRAD GARRETT, FBI SPECIAL AGENT: Well, the real key, George, is no further casualties or injuries, either to officers or people attending the club. So you -- it's about intelligence gathering.

For example, did they eventually be -- get cameras, mikes inside the club to see what's going on so they could assess what's going on before they do an entry?

Were there any explosives, since the suggestion is he had maybe some sort of device on him?

Were the doors mined in a certain way?

All those things you've got to eliminate before you go crashing through the doors.

The other thing is maybe he stopped shooting and with no additional gunfire, it buys you some time to collect this intelligence. And then whatever -- for whatever reason, around 5:00 or so, they made a dynamic entry, killed him, released 30 plus hostages.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Yes, and the officials say they were getting some text messages from inside the club, as well, Brad.

GARRETT: Correct. And that is so key, George. The debrief of -- of victims who escaped the nightclub and then those that are actively still involved sort of allow you, as the on scene commander, to tailor how you're going to launch this attack.

If they're telling him he doesn't j he's holding us, but he doesn't appear to be harming anybody, it buys them a little bit of time.

So you have to pull -- there's a lot of moving parts. You've got to pull it together quickly.

STEPHANOPOULOS: And -- and Brad, I mean this is becoming all too common here in the United States, but local police all across the country now prepared for situations like this.

GARRETT: A combination of police, coordination with federal authorities and obviously emergency service personnel, as you talked earlier on GMA, the, you know, the idea that the hospitals are now prepared for mass casualties in particular cities is all key. It's unfortunate that we have to have that level of preparation, but that is reality.

STEPHANOPOULOS: OK, Brad Garrett, thanks very much.

I want to bring in Congressman Peter King right now.

He's a member of the Homeland Security Committee. The House Homeland Security Committee.

And Congressman, I know this is still unfolding as we speak, have you been able to learn anything more about the shooter, about how this unfolded?

REP. PETER KING (R), NEW YORK: George, pretty much what I'm hearing is what Pierre Thomas has heard. Obviously, we heard the FBI agent say that they're considering ISIS leanings. That always has to be right now the first consideration. That doesn't mean that's what it is. But I thought it was significant he said that because, generally, they wouldn't say it unless it was some indication that there was some, you know, leaning toward Islamist terrorism.

But, again, it is early. Even I would think the FBI probably has more information than they're giving out. I don't blame them for that. If they have his identity, they could be going through social media. They could be tracking down any associates he may have had, anything else he may have done in previous years.

Also, to see if he's traveled overseas, all of that is what they're looking at. And also, you know, we are in the time of Ramadan. And this is when you do fear attacks by ISIS supporters.

I know they're concerned about the European soccer championships in Europe and other events around the world. So, again, this could be part of that or it could be a lone wolf. It could be someone who is anti-gay. We just don't know.

But I thought it was significant that the FBI agent did indicate that they are, seems to be at least somewhat leaning toward ISIS.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Yes and, Congressman, I want to come back to that lone wolf idea. But right now let me take that and bring it back to Pierre Thomas.

Because, Pierre, I had the same sense that the congressman had from watching the FBI, from watching the press conferences this morning, that the police know a lot more than they're telling us right now.

THOMAS: Exactly. They have a name, according to my sources. They are going through that person's background. They gave a hint as to leanings to give the public a sense that this was potentially domestic terrorism, even though it's early.

The FBI tries to do that when they can to let people know what they're dealing with so that they can get additional information.

But again, it's early, as the congressman said. They will go through every potential lead until they can say definitively what they had happen here.

STEPHANOPOULOS: What they are saying definitively so far, Congressman, is that they believe the situation is over right now. They believe there is no more threat to Orlando or they even went so -- went farther ad said the state of Florida right now, they said they have no more indications of another threat and that this gunman did act alone.

An this has become the big concern of Homeland Security officials, the FBI over the last year, lone wolves, radicalizing themselves, taking matters into their own hands.

KING: Yes, ISIS, even more than Al Qaeda, has been able to reach out to the fringe, the psychotic people but also to lone wolves and those who have committed ideologically.

But they have a capacity to reach out and to lure in lone wolves. And this is a -- really a growing threat, not that it's going to be a threat to the overall security of the nation. But it can have it carry out these mass killings, which, again, further the Islamist cause, if that's what it is. And lone wolves are a real threat to us.

STEPHANOPOULOS: And Brad Garrett, the immediate concern now that other copycats may crop up.

GARRETT: Unfortunately, George, as we have talked so many times with school shooters, the trigger of other people to justify committing a violent act, it emboldens them, to see a shooting come out and be displayed on television like we're talking about it because it's like, look, this guy pulled it off. I can do the same thing.

So big concern for law enforcement is who do they know who's out there and might be ready to launch?

STEPHANOPOULOS: And Pierre Thomas, that list of people the FBI's been keeping an eye on, Homeland Security keeping an eye on over the last year continues to grow.

THOMAS: It does, all 50 states, individuals that they've identified who have some interest in ISIS and other terror groups, George.

And again, the FBI has coined a phrase. The FBI director calls them "troubled souls," people that can be reached through the Internet, that the ISIS leadership is reaching through social media every day to encourage these people to do something, to act. Again, we don't know definitively that that's what this is. But that is one of the things being looked at very closely this morning.

STEPHANOPOULOS: OK, a lot more information yet to come in, Pierre Thomas, Peter King, Brad Garrett, thank you all very much again.

A situation unfolding in Orlando overnight, as many as 20, perhaps more, dead in Orlando after a shooting in a night club; hostage situation as well. Police and FBI now investigating as a citizen incident of domestic terror. We're going to have much more on this as events warrant and we'll be right back.



STEPHANOPOULOS (voice-over): And as we stay on top of this domestic terror in Orlando, a big week in politics as well. Hillary Clinton secures the nomination. A tough week for Donald Trump under fire from his own party.

House Speaker Paul Ryan called his comments about a federal judge "racist;" still standing by him, though. Paul Ryan and Trump campaign chair Paul Manafort, up in just two minutes.


STEPHANOPOULOS: The race for the White House now.

It's far too soon to know what the impact of the terrible events unfolding in Orlando will be but the election now at a pivotal stage.

Tuesday Hillary Clinton made history, first woman to secure the nomination of a major party. Then she got that endorsement from President Obama. She does start the general election with some advantages in organization and money.

And Donald Trump still stirring up some anxiety in the GOP and working to put accusations of racism behind him.


DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESUMPTIVE PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: I am the least, just so you know, I am the least racist person, the least racist person that you have ever seen, the least. I mean, give me a break.


STEPHANOPOULOS: His criticism of that judge down in San Diego still drawing criticism as well.

And House Speaker Paul Ryan, the most powerful elected Republican in the country, denounced those comments.


REP. PAUL RYAN (R-WI), HOUSE SPEAKER: Claiming a person can't do the job because of their race is sort of like the textbook definition of a racist comment.


STEPHANOPOULOS: But when we spoke early this week, Ryan insisted he is standing by his endorsement of Donald Trump.


STEPHANOPOULOS: You said in explaining why you're standing by your endorsement of Mr. Trump that what matters more to you more than anything are our core principles.

But what core principle is more important to the party of Lincoln and standing up against racism?

RYAN: That's why I did that, that's why I spoke out against it.

But this is the party of Lincoln, the party of Jack Kemp and Ronald Reagan, so that is why we up and speak against any conversation, any kind of comment that has racist...

STEPHANOPOULOS: But this isn't the first time you've had to that when he...

RYAN: No, it isn't the first time.

STEPHANOPOULOS: ...the KKK. You had to speak out against that.

RYAN: It isn't the first time I've had to do and it won't be the last time if this continues.

Hopefully, this won't continue. Hopefully, the campaign will move in a better direction so that it can with be one that we can all be proud of.

We got two choices. Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump. A Republican presidency, a Democrat presidency. Hillary Clinton is promising to double down on the Obama policies. Those policies are wrong, they're not helping. Our country is going in the wrong direction.

So, we're offering the country an alternative and we need a Republican president to work with to put that alternative together.

STEPHANOPOULOS: But does that president have the temperament it takes to be commander-in-chief?

RYAN: I can't speak for his stage presence. But in private, I find his temperament to be much better than what you see on stage.

STEPHANOPOULOS: So, you're confident he could be an effective commander-in-chief?

RYAN: Look, I believe that he's certain better than Hillary Clinton. These are the choices that we have.

And here's the question I ask, do I believe that these principles and these policies that flow from those principles have a beater chance of making it to law with Donald Trump than Hillary Clinton? Absolutely. I do believe that. And I think that is what's necessary to save this country from the bad path that it's on right now.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Even if the president, then, espouses values that you don't share?

RYAN: I don't believe in those values. I don't know that he believes that in his heart. I don't know what's in his heart. But I do think, hope, and believe, that he's going to improve the tenor of the campaign, the tone of the campaign, the kind of campaign that he's going to run.

I believe we need to be inspirational, aspirational, and inclusive. And that, to me, is what the...

STEPHANOPOULOS: But that's not the campaign that Donald Trump is running, is it?

RYAN: It's not. And I hope that it gets there.

I believe what we can do is control our own actions here in the House.

STEPHANOPOULOS: You said you hope he can change. If he doesn't, will you still continue to stand by him?

RYAN: Well, I'm not going to speak about what's happening in the future. But I believe and hope that he's going to change and improve his campaign. We'll see.

STEPHANOPOULOS: You talking about national security today and your program for a better way. 67 different proposals there, one of them having to do with immigration, protecting our boards. No mention about the wall paid for by Mexico. Do you think that's a realistic proposal?

RYAN: I think securing the border is a realistic proposal. We can debate about how best to secure our border. We propose to secure the border a different way.

If you talk to the experts on the border, there are places where walls are necessary, but there are places where fences and other kinds of things are necessary.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Mexico paying for it?

RYAN: Well, I never supported that. I -- that and the mass deportation is something I also spoke out against.

Look, we're not going to agree with our nominee on everything. Mitt Romney and I didn't agree on everything and I ran on the ticket with him. So, it's a little much to ask that everybody agrees on everything.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Not everything, but he talks about having Mexico pay for the wall in every speech. He talks about the temporary ban on Muslims in every speak. In your 67 proposals, no mention of that ban.

RYAN: Let me say why, because I don't -- we don't agree with that ban. We don't believe we should have a religious test on people coming into the country, we should have a security test. So, we don't agree on that. That's fine. Good people can disagree on things.

What we do agree on, George, and what is part of our national security strategy, we really do believe we need to control who comes and goes in this country if only for national security reasons, but for economic security as well.

And so, yes, we do need to secure the border. We can have a good debate about how to secure the border, but we agree on the goal of securing the border.

STEPHANOPOULOS: If you look at the big issues he talks about in every single speech, those are all things you have come out against. How can you say that the things you agree on outweigh the things you disagree on?

RYAN: Well, because the kinds of conversations that I have had with him are about what our agenda looks like, where we want to go as a country and as a party, what our principles are. He agrees with the need to get people out of poverty and move people from welfare to work. We all agree with replacing Obamacare with patient centered health care. We all agree with comprehensive tax reform to grow the economy. We agree we need to strengthen our military. We agree we need a better foreign policy. And on the big issues and the big questions of the day, we see common ground.

STEPHANOPOULOS: But it seems like you guys on parallel, but not touching paths. You're talking about one policy, he's talking about another on the stump.

RYAN: That's his right.

STEPHANOPOULOS: But that's what -- then you're not giving the people -- the American people the choice.

RYAN: Oh, I don't think that's necessarily the case.

STEPHANOPOULOS: You're rejecting the choice he's offering...

RYAN: We are just in the midst of rolling out an agenda that we're going to take to the people. We, in the house, are saying here are the laws we want to pass in fulfillment of these principles to improve people's lives, to fix our government and our country's problems, that requires a president to sign them into law.

So we believe that we can add substance to this conversation.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Doesn't it require a president to campaign on them?

RYAN: It requires a president to be supportive of these things. The things that I've learned since doing my job is that you need to be up front with people ahead of the election about where you want to go so that if you win that election, you have the ability to go there. That's the kind of election I have always wanted to have.

STEPHANOPOULOS: You're being up front with one set of proposals, he's up front with another.

RYAN: Well, I wouldn't say that he's dismissing these things -- far from it -- he's agreeing with these principles.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Mr. Trump is also going to be giving his critique on Secretary Clinton he says on Monday. What should it be?

RYAN: Well, I think he should critique her in every way you can. I think she's offering the same. I think her track record is terrible. I think the story of her tenure at the State Department and her time since then, I think, should be called into question. Trying to live above the law, putting a server in your basement, which is not something you're allowed to do as secretary of state, which compromises national security, we don't want people who think they're above the law.

And I do believe that her track record -- Libya, foreign policy, Russia reset, Syria, all of that should be fair game. But more importantly, where does she want to take the country? She wants to take the country down the same path that Barack Obama has taken the country. It's the wrong path, in my opinion.

STEPHANOPOULOS: How about going back to the controversies of the '90s?

RYAN: Look, I think the whole story of a person's life and career is fair game in a presidential election

STEPHANOPOULOS: And you expect to see that? Do you expect to see that critique?

RYAN: I don't know what we're going see with his speech. I've been really -- I'm busy trying to be a good speaker of the house.

STEPHANOPOULOS: As you know, there's still some conservatives and Republicans hoping to find a way to block Donald Trump at the convention. Is that realistic?

RYAN: The way I see it is he won the thing fair and square. I mean, 17 people competed, one person won. He got the delegates. The delegates ultimately decide these things, but he won fair and square.

STEPHANOPOULOS: And if he becomes president, you wrote about the man you ran with, Mitt Romney, that he was one of the more honorable, principled, fiercely intelligent, would be one of our finest president. How would you describe Donald Trump?

RYAN: Let's wait and see.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Mr. Speaker, thanks very much.

RYAN: You bet. Thanks.


STEPHANOPOULOS: House Speaker Paul Ryan earlier this week.

Let's get a response now from Donald Trump's campaign chair, Paul Manafort.

Mr. Manafort, thank you for joining us.

You just saw Paul Ryan right there, the House speaker, he believes - and I know he's been speaking with Mr. Trump -- that he believes we're going to see a different Donald Trump out on the trail. Is he right?

PAUL MANAFORT, DONALD TRUMP CAMPAIGN CHAIR: Listen, all parts of the campaign that are now being are coming together. You're going to see Donald Trump making more speeches that are set speeches, which you haven't seen in the past for the most part. You're going to see more interaction in different environments other than rallies.

But you're also going to see the rallies. The rallies -- Donald Trump gets energy from, and frankly gives energy back.

And so the campaign will be a traditional campaign in that respect. But untraditional in the way we in which we approach focusing on the differences between us and Hillary Clinton.

STEPHANOPOULOS: How about on the policy? Because he seemed to also indicate that Donald Trump is going to be coming his way. He said specifically when we talked during part of that interview that he believes that Donald Trump is listening to him on the issue of entitlements.

MANAFORT: I was interested listening to him. There's a lot of agreement between the two parties on the principles of the Ryan agenda and the reason that Donald Trump is running for president.

The difference, though -- and it's an important difference -- is Donald Trump is running against the system that he thinks is rigged, that he thinks hasn't worked, that he thinks has hurt the people of the United States. And he thinks Washington doesn't get it.

STEPHANOPOULOS: So, Paul Ryan right at the top of that system in congress.

MANAFORT: He is. And he started talking about policies that will change things. But that's where there's some bit of a personality rub. I mean, Trump is willing to not accept the status quo in Washington. He's saying we have to change the status quo in Washington

So, you've got that component. And then you've got some policy differences as well. But at the day both Paul Ryan and Donald Trump believe that the system has to change. They see Hillary Clinton as an extension of that system. They see her as a third term for Obama. they see in a year of change, she's the establishment candidate. And that's what you're going to see the campaign focusing on.

STEPHANOPOULOS: The man who is not coming on board, Mitt Romney, the last nomineeof the Republican Party, having that conference in Utah over the weekend says his heart is breaking watching Donald Trump lead the GOP.

You had Meg Whitman at the same conference comparing Donald Trump to Mussolini and Hitler.

MANAFORT: Well, I think they're sitting in their cocoon, you know, away from the reality of the world. I mean, Donald Trump is none of those things. And this is sore losers.

You know, Romney wanted to run, chose not to. He's now attacking this past weekend all the other Republican who ran for president as well saying they should have done a better job. Well, if he feels that way he should have run. He was a coward.


MANAFORT: He didn't want to get into the race. He had an opportunity to get in the race and chose not to and now he's criticizing all those who Trump beat for not running a good campaign and he's criticizing Trump who got over 3.5 million votes more than Romney got in the primaries this year.

And actually one of the underreported facts is when you look at what Trump is getting today in the Hispanic community, in the black community, in the independent community, he's equaling or doing better than Romney did at the end of the campaign.

So Romney is not one to criticize and Donald Trump, who has tapped into an angst in America, he's got a campaign strategy and is running a campaign that --

STEPHANOPOULOS: Also creating a lot of angst in the Republican Party, especially with those comments about Judge Curiel. You've got Hugh Hewitt and others talking about finding ways to stop Donald Trump at the convention.

Are you confident you can shut that down?

MANAFORT: There are very few people talking about that, the malcontents who have not been happy that Donald Trump beat all of them. The delegates to the convention who we're dealing with on a regular basis are looking forward for an exciting time.

There aren't going to be any serious issues in Cleveland. People are banding together. What's getting all the attention are five or six people. Then there's the broad base of the Republican Party that has united behind Donald Trump, is working with us, helping us build out our campaign.

And the integration, we have, for example, with the RNC, is almost seamless. I mean, it's coming together very nicely, which is one of the underreported -- another underreported fact.

Always the pundits and the media have been trying to say Donald Trump can't achieve certain goals. He couldn't get -- top 20 percent, 30 percent, 40 percent, 50 percent, it was going to be a second ballot.

Now they're saying he doesn't have a campaign structure. That's just not true.

STEPHANOPOULOS: But he is -- shortfall reported, though, on financing. Certain analysts saying it could be as much as $300 million to $500 million shortfall to Hillary Clinton.

Where does that stand right now?

And is the possibility that Donald Trump will take public financing still on the table?

MANAFORT: Donald Trump spent considerably less money than most of the candidates running against him and did very well. He beat them all. So money is a component of an election and in a national race, it's important. But it's certainly not the only one. And he's --

STEPHANOPOULOS: But he's going to be outspent?

MANAFORT: I don't think he's going to be outspent. I think we're going to raise the money.

Again, we had meetings in New York this past week with a number of the -- our fundraisers. They had a -- we had a very good session. They left there energized. And they're out there. We've got a number of events. And money's coming in.

So we're not worried about the fundraising. We're not worried about the field staffs in the states. I mean, you get an underreported story how there were 800 people in the Clinton campaign and there are only 70 in the Trump campaign.

But what that misses is that then the Republican National Committee. for example, there are over 500 people with another 600 coming out of the battleground states who have been trained, who we're working with, who will become part of our Trump campaign.

STEPHANOPOULOS: We know the speech -- Hillary Clinton speech is coming tomorrow in New Hampshire. The same time, the Clinton campaign has gotten out ahead of that, first out of the general election campaign.

And let's take a look.


HILLARY CLINTON (D), PRESUMPTIVE PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE (voice-over): Today, we face a choice about who we are as a nation.

TRUMP: I would like to punch them in the face, I'll tell you.

CLINTON (voice-over): Do we respect each other?

TRUMP: Oh, I don't know what I said. Oh, I don't remember.

CLINTON (voice-over): What kind of America do we want to be?

Dangerously divided or strong and united?


STEPHANOPOULOS: Several million dollars also put behind that clip of Mr. Trump mocking the reporter with the disability on -- from the Priorities USA super PAC as well.

Is Donald Trump going to have to apologize for that?

MANAFORT: First of all, he wasn't mocking him. And he's said that in the past. He said he was not making reference to him. And so he's dealt with that issue.

But she's trying to talk about a campaign of bringing the country together. She's the ultimate divisive figure in this campaign. And, you know, she -- she's had real trouble in bringing her own party together, never mind the country together.

You know, you look at people think she will do the job and is record numbers are saying she can't do the job. They don't think she has got the integrity to be president. They don't think that she'll bring real change to Washington by overwhelming numbers. Whereas Donald Trump is viewed as a hope by the American people.

He's not the establishment candidate. But he's the -- but he's the candidate of the people. And that -- this campaign is going to be --

STEPHANOPOULOS: Clear he's not the establishment candidate.

But to be clear, you're saying no apology coming on that matter?

MANAFORT: He's already dealt with that matter. He dismissed it.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Mr. Manafort, thanks for joining us this morning.

MANAFORT: Thank you, George.

STEPHANOPOULOS: We're going to be right back with Bernie Sanders. He's here live to tell us how this campaign ends. What Hillary must do to win over his supporters and where his movement is heading next. Senator Sanders joins us live.



CLINTON: We all want an economy with more opportunity and less inequality, where Wall Street can never wreck Main Street again.



SEN. BERNIE SANDERS (I-VT), DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Wall Street's greed and recklessness and illegal behavior destroys the economy.



TRUMP: I'm not taking money from Wall Street. I'm not taking money from anybody.


STEPHANOPOULOS: Wall Street the center of this campaign, in large measure because of Bernie Sanders and the campaign he's run. Senator Sanders joins us live right now.

Senator Sanders, thanks for joining us this morning.

I just wonder, where -- where's your head on all this right now?

SEN. BERNIE SANDERS (I-VT), DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Where's my head on? What my head is on right now is do everything I can to defeat Donald Trump to do everything I can to make sure that the Democratic Party transforms itself into becoming a grassroots party that represents working people and young people, and not just a party that goes out raising money from the wealthy. To make sure that we have a platform that is the most progressive platform in the history of the Democratic Party, that make sure that it's clear we're going to fight for health care for all people, making public colleges and universities tuition-free, and addressing the global crisis of climate change. To make sure we transform America and tell the wealthiest people in this country they cannot have it all. That's where my head is right now.

STEPHANOPOULOS: So have you talked to Hillary Clinton about how you're going to do that?

SANDERS: I will be meeting with Hillary Clinton, as I understand it, on Tuesday evening. And what we will talk about exactly is what kind of platform we have -- and above and beyond the platform, which is a piece of paper, is in fact, if she wins, what kind of administration she will have and whether or not she will stand up forcefully for working families and be prepared to take on Wall Street and the big money influences.

STEPHANOPOULOS: SO let's be concrete about this. What kind of things do you need to see exactly?

SANDERS: What I need to see a commitment that there will be progressive taxation. That Wall Street and the large corporations who are making billions of dollars of year, and billionaires, start paying their fair share of taxes so we can address the crises facing inner cities and the fact that we have the largest childhood poverty of any major country on earth. That we need to make sure, in one way or another, that every American has health care as a right, and we join the rest of the industrialized worlds. That public colleges and universities, again, in one way or another, she may disagree with me as to how we get there, but that public colleges and universities are tuition-free.

That we create a massive federal jobs program to put millions of people back to work, rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure. And George, the recognition that climate change is the great global environmental crisis that we face. We've got to work with the world aggressively to transform our energy system away from fossil fuel to sustainable energy and energy efficiency.

STEPHANOPOULOS: So it sounds like you're prepared to play a constructive role with Hillary Clinton after speaking to her on Tuesday night. But as you know, a lot of the -- a lot of your supporters still pretty upset. And Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate, is reaching out to them. She had this tweet. She said, "Don't forget, Bernie Sanders supporters signed up for a political revolution. Hillary is the antithesis of the revolution."

Do you agree with that and do you believe that Hillary Clinton can lead a political revolution?

SANDERS: Well, I don't think Hillary Clinton can lead a political revolution. But I think if Hillary Clinton is smart, and she certainly is smart, she will understand that good public policy, taking on the big money interests and standing up for working families, standing up for the environment, standing up for clean water, is in fact good politics. Can she do that? Yes. Will she go as far as I would like her to go? No, she won't.

But I think millions of people want to understand and see is what kind of commitment she has to addressing the real crises in the country and transforming the Democratic Party away from a party which simply is there, in many respects, to raise money from the wealthy into a party which listens to the pain of a declining middle class and 47 million people living in poverty and shows the courage to tell the big money interests that this world is going to change.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Donald Trump is likely to use your words to attack Hillary Clinton on issues like speaking fees and the Clinton Foundation. Will you step in to defend her?

SANDERS: Well, Donald Trump is totally and absolutely unfit to become President of the United States.

You know, George, it is incomprehensible to me that, in the year 2016, after all this country has suffered with in terms of racism and discrimination, that this man is running his campaign based on bigotry, based on attacking Mexicans and Latinos and Muslims and African Americans and women. That is incomprehensible.

So to answer you question, I will do, in one way or another, everything that I can to make sure Donald Trump does not become President of the United States.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Are you interested in serving as vice president?

SANDERS: Well, I think that is very unlikely. But we will see what happens down -- you know, after this whole campaign winds down.

What I want to see is Hillary Clinton appoint a vice president who is a progressive. I want to see Hillary Clinton become a champion of the needs of working families, putting together an administration not based on Wall Street's needs but on the needs of ordinary Americans.

STEPHANOPOULOS: So if not you, Elizabeth Warren?

SANDERS: Well, I'm a great admirer of Elizabeth Warren. She has been a dynamite senator and has stood up to Wall Street her entire political life.

STEPHANOPOULOS: I think you have probably gone farther and longer in this campaign than even you thought possible a little over year ago.

What are you most proud of in this campaign?

And what is your biggest regret?

SANDERS: Well, what I'm most proud of is that in, I believe. every single primary and caucus, we have won the vast majority of people under 45 years of age.

And what that tells me is that our ideas, George, the ideas of social and economic and racial and environmental justice, that is the future of this country.

And I am proud that we also showed and have showed that we can raise a significant sum of money without having a super PAC and appealing to the big money interests for their support, that we can do it with the support of working families and, in many cases, believe it or not, low-income people.

But, mostly, I think what we have shown is that the American people want real change in this country. They're tired of status quo politics and status quo economics. They are not happy with the grotesque level of income and wealth inequality. And they want Congress to start working for them, not just wealthy campaign contributors.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Bernie Sanders, thanks for joining us again this morning. We will watch and see what happens at that meeting Tuesday night.

SANDERS: Thank you, George.

STEPHANOPOULOS: And we'll be right back with the roundtable.



TRUMP: Everybody wants to know who I'm going to choose for vice president.

Who do you like?

He says Newt.

Who do you like?

They say Sessions, Sessions.

He says Condi Rice.

I've never done this before. This is fun.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do you think the country would be ready for two women?

CLINTON: I think at some point. Maybe this time. Maybe in the future. But we're going to be looking for the most qualified person to become president, should something happen to me if I'm fortunate enough to be the president.


STEPHANOPOULOS: Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, looking ahead to running mates. Let's talk about all the week's politics on our roundtable. Joined by ABC's Matthew Dowd; Donna Brazile, Democratic strategist; Kellyanne Conway, Republican strategist and pollster; Bill Kristol of "The Weekly Standard;" Katrina vanden Heuvel of "The Nation."

And Matthew, let's begin, you know, so this is set right now. You've got Hillary Clinton versus Donald Trump for the next five months. Hillary Clinton seeming to unify the Democratic Party this week. Donald Trump facing that anxiety inside Republican ranks.

And you heard Paul Ryan right there saying a lot of Republicans still hoping Donald Trump can change.

MATTHEW DOWD, ABC NEWS CORRESPONDENT: And I also don't think, don't forget Gary Johnson who I have right now has been polling in the 10 percent to 12 percent, because I think there is still an opportunity that people want a choice other than the first two.

I think Donald Trump has actually unified the Republican Party. 85 percent of Republican voters want him. The problem for Donald Trump is the elites of the party, or the establishment of the party is disconnected from the voters of the party in the course of this, understandably so, but it's been going on now for 20 years. And they don't feel like the choice they want to make is the same as the Republican voters.

The problem, ultimately to me, isn't Donald Trump, it's the voters. And I think the party, and each side of the aisle, I think, has to come to the place where they quit telling people the only choice you have is Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. They have got to quit telling people -- the Hillary folks have to quit telling the Bernie Sanders people you're either with us or you're for Trump and the anti-Trump folks -- the Trump folks have to quit saying you're either with us or you're for Hillary.

People ought to stand firm in their choice against this sort of false choice that you need to make a decision between the two of them.

DONNA BRAZILE, DEMOCRATIC STRATEGIST: Well, the third party has spoken. God bless us, right?

DOWD: Absolutely.

BRAZILE: But Donald Trump has divided more than just establishment. He is dividing the country. He is dividing Republican leaders. Mark Kirk, the senator from Illinois, who stated that he will no longer support Donald Trump. You now have people who are saying they have endorsed him, but they may not vote for him.

And I think what former Governor Mitt Romney said over the weekend, trickle-down racism. This will have a lingering effect on Donald Trump's ability to not just bring together the Republicans, but also try to reach out to independents and Democrats.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Meantime, Bill Kristol, you've been part of -- a proud member of the Never Trump movement all through this -- you haven't been able to get a candidate out there.

And you just heard Paul Manafort right there echoing what we've heard from Donald Trump. The message is basically, hey, we beat 17 candidates. Get over it.

BILL KRISTOL, THE WEEKLY STANDARD: You know, it's so interesting watching the interviews with Paul Ryan and Paul Manafort. I've known Paul Ryan for 20 years. I like him very much. And it was painful to watch, I've got to say. I mean, the people who are now rationalizing supporting Donald Trump when they are proud to be representatives of the party of Lincoln, a protege of Jack Kemp, it's going to be a horrible four or five months for the Republican Party. People do not understand how much damage, from my point of view, Donald Trump will do.

Having said that, the other thing I was struck by watching Paul Manafort, they have a clear message. I think people are totally underestimating Trump's chance of winning. That doesn't make me happy, but Manafort, you know, they're going to slough aside all the insults, all the terrible things Trump has said and say do you want change or not? And if it's only Trump or Hillary Clinton in a change election, you can have a pretty flawed change messenger and I'm afraid he could win.

KATRINA VANDEN HEUVEL, THE NATION: You heard from Bernie Sanders. I think Bernie Sanders ran an extraordinary campaign. He has ignited a movement. He has inspired millions of people to care this country, the issues he raised. You know them. He talks about them.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Can he get them behind Hillary Clinton?


And I think we're seeing -- what Bernie Sanders is going to do is run two movements. One is to defeat Trump. And he said from the very beginning, the media didn't pay a lot of attention, he would support whoever won the primaries and he would do everything he could to defeat Donald Trump.

But he can now run a movement -- and the nation is making this its beat, you can run down ballot candidates. You can run progressive candidates. You can amplify social movements, which are the untold story of this election, and you can strengthen and empower the ascendant wing of the Democratic Party, the progressive, populist wing. And he and Elizabeth Warren, if the Senate goes Democratic, could be very powerful.

STEPHANOPOULOS: And Kellyanne, if Hillary Clinton with Bernie Sanders' help, is able torally that ascendant wing, how does Donald Trump counter it?

KELLYANNE CONWAY, REPUBLICAN STRATEGIST: He counters is by trying to take his case right to the people, which essentially is what he's done all along.

I didn't hear Bernie Sanders sounding very unifying, though. He's still, to you George, in the interview, was talking about Wall Street. He was railing against big money in politics. Hillary Clinton got millions of dollars giving speeches to Wall Street.

STEPHANOPOULOS: But his first sentence was it's time to defeat Donald Trump.

CONWAY: And then the rest of it was how he hopes that his influence on the process will continue, including in the platform committee in Philadelphia, which I think is fair for Bernie Sanders. He won 22 states. He won over 10 million votes. Some of those weren't squeakers. And frankly he won Millennial voters, including Millennial women. And I think that the Clinton campaign would do very well to respect Senator Sanders, but also learn from his voters, same thing the Republicans should do with the 13.5 million voters who have gone for Donald Trump. What can we learn from these people?

STEPHANOPOULOS: And Matthew Dowd, does Hillary -- you talking about rejecting the false choice. Does Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate, Gary Johnson, the Libertarian, have a realistic chance of getting those Bernie Sanders supporters?

DOWD: I think they have a realistic chance of both getting some of the Bernie Sanders support and some of the sort of Republican support in this. Will they win this election? No. But that's not the choice that people ought to be forced to make. That is not who is going to win or lose, but who do you want to represent the country?

I think we all ought to pause with what happened in Orlando today. There's people going to Disney World with their families and that awful shooting at a gay nightclub in Orlando. If we understand that the hateful thoughts become hateful words become hateful action. Maybe in the course of this, after what happened, that the temperatures will go down and we sort of get back to place where we can understand the common good.

CONWAY: It's not going to be about temperament, it's going to be about strong leadership.

VANDEN HEUVEL: But strong leadership, Kelly, is not about fear mongering and exploiting racial anxieties and bigotry. Donald Trump's idea of a counterterrorism program is banning all Muslims, bombing all families in the Middle East, essentially -- ISIS families, and torturing -- I think the, you know, grief and anger today.

But we can't lose sight of senseless gun violence and the gun epidemic in this country. 66 people killed in Chicago in May. Hillary Clinton has a very strong gun control program. Trump, he's tethered to the NRA. I think that has to be...

BRAZILE: Mass shootings -- we've had so many mass shootings this year. Since 2013, wehave had over 1,000 mass shootings.

And clearly, there's a place today in this dialogue for us to talk about the tone and temperament of our national leaders.

You know, June is pride month. And for many Americans, this is an opportunity for them to express their feelings about equality, finally being treated as equal citizens under the law. So, this has, I think, has a very special moment for people across the country to mourn those who will pray for those who are now in the hospital, those who are wounded.

Parents fearing that their children may not come home today.

But, talking about politics and tone, it matters because you're looking for a leader, somebody who can bring us together.

KRISTOL: Look, I am anti-Trump. But if this was an act of Islamic terrorism, whether a lone wolf, or perhaps a lot of lone wolves turn out to have connection abroad one way or the other.

STEPHANOPOULOS: We actually have learned the name of the shooter. His name is Omar Mateen. He's from St. Lucie County, Florida, born in 1986.

KRISTOL: Right, parents from Afghanistan. I think they're saying.

But if he was motivated by Islamist jihadist ideology, these talking points are not going to work, it's going to -- Donald Trump, the best moment, I say this with regret, the moment that helped Trump win the nomination was the San Bernardino massacre and his calling for a ban of all Muslims, which is an insane -- bad public policy, undoable, and we shouldn't do it.

Having said that, it helped him. And I think we shouldn't kid ourselves. And, frankly, if these are the Democratic talking points here, senseless gun violence, it's not senseless.


DOWD: Whenever we get -- whatever this guy gets in it, it's us versus them, it's not helpful in solving part of this problem in the course of this. Do less guns, we're going to solve it? Possibly yes, possibly no. More guns won't solve it in the course of this. But let's get back to a culture that has a...

STEPHANOPOULOS: That's got to be the last word. Thank you very much. We'll be right back after this from our ABC Stations.