Pampered Turkeys Rest Up in Pricey Hotel Before Presidential Pardon

Well mannered, well groomed and well behaved for President Obama.

— -- They're well bred, blow dried, and on their best behavior. Thousands of them compete every year. But only one will be pardoned by the President of the United States.

The National Thanksgiving Turkey is chosen "based on looks and behavior, kind of like a beauty pageant," said a spokeswoman for Cooper Farms, where this year's bird was hatched and raised.

Since their arrival, the turkeys are being pampered at the Willard Hotel, staying in a custom room with tarps and shavings.

“Last night, they were trying to order room service,” National Turkey Federation Chairman Gary Cooper joked.

The chairman is responsible for raising the presidential turkey flock each year. Cooper said he began raising 66 birds in July with his son Cole.

Following Wednesday's ceremony, the two will be taken to the lush, 1,000-acre Morven Park in Virginia to retire.

But not all turkeys get off scot-free.

Despite the pardoning ceremony, turkey is still on the first family’s Thanksgiving menu. The only thing that is clear is that neither of the turkeys from Cooper Farms will be part of the feast.

Where the Obamas get the turkey that ends up on their plates remains a mystery.