What Wisconsin Means for the Democratic and Republican Front-Runners

Neither Hillary Clinton nor Donald Trump are expected to win tonight.

Both of the respective front-runners are expected not to win tonight's primary in Wisconsin, but are both hoping that it doesn't impact their path to the nomination.

Comparing Candidates Numbers

Clinton spent the fewest number of days in the state and made the fewest stops since declaring her candidacy -- only spending five days in the Badger state where she made nine stops.

Sanders spent nine days total in the state and jammed 17 events in during that time.

By comparison, Gov. John Kasich spent six days in the state, Trump spent seven days and Cruz spent 10 days.

Why Trump May Be Lagging

A series of controversial incidents last week that could impact turnout with female voters and an organized anti-Trump movement could be two of the biggest factors stopping Trump from raising his poll numbers.

Coupled with those incidents, there were organized anti-Trump efforts in the states, including radio interviews with notable local political commentator and self-proclaimed member of the "Never Trump" movement Charlie Sykes.

Cruz believes that Trump's rhetoric and tone did not fall on fond ears among Wisconsin residents.

"I think one of the dynamics were seen more and more is, is Donald Trump’s angry, screaming, cursing, yelling attacks. People are tuning it out," Cruz told ABC News on Monday. "I mean, they’ve discovered that’s the only thing he knows how to do."

What a Loss Means for Clinton

Clinton was last in Wisconsin on Saturday before turning her attention to her adopted home state of New York, where the next big primary is held in two weeks.

That stands in contrast to Sanders, who is likely banking on using Wisconsin to build momentum.

"On the Democratic side, it's important because if Bernie Sanders wins, he's won six out of the last seven," Dowd told ABC.

Going into tonight, Clinton has won a total of 20 contests and Sanders has won 15.

There are 86 pledged delegates and 10 superdelegates up for grabs by the Democrats, and no matter who wins, it won't make-or-break the nomination for them from a mathematical standpoint. ABC News estimates that Clinton has a total of 1,712 delegates and Sanders has a total of 1,011 delegates, but 27 percent of Clintons delegates are super delegates while only 3 percent of Sanders are super delegates, who could still change their mind at any point until the convention in July.

"I don't think Hillary loses the nomination because of a loss in Wisconsin but it complicates her life greatly," Dowd said, noting that it "forces her to rely on super delegates."