Another Woman Accuses Donald Trump of Sexual Misconduct; Allred Responds to Lawsuit Threat

Jessica Drake says Trump kissed, hugged her without consent.

Speaking in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, Trump opened a speech billed as a policy address that would outline his first 100 days should he be elected by saying that he would sue all the women who have made accusations against him.

Allred, who has previously held news conferences with two of those women, responded to Trump's vow by saying women would "not be intimidated into silence by Donald Trump."

"If Mr. Trump thought that such bullying tactics would silence his accusers and prevent other women from coming forward, he will be sorely disappointed," Allred said. "Women will not be intimidated into silence by Donald Trump. If he sues them, we are confident that an army of lawyers will step forward to represent them, and we believe that the public will financially support their legal defense."

Allred said that Trump dishonored the sacrifice of service members who died at Gettysburg "by threatening wives, mothers and daughters who have made accusations against you."

"It is a new low even for you. Mr. Trump, your threat is below the dignity of the office you are seeking and I say to the women of this great country, we shall overcome," she said.

Allred appeared with another woman who came forward accusing Trump of kissing her without her consent and offering to pay her to spend time with him. The adult film star Jessica Drake says that he kissed her and two other women without their consent 10 years ago.

During the press conference, Drake provided a picture of herself with Trump.

The Trump campaign directly addressed the woman's accusations in a statement saying: "This story is totally false and ridiculous. The picture is one of thousands taken out of respect for people asking to have their picture taken with Mr. Trump. Mr. Trump does not know this person, does not remember this person and would have no interest in ever knowing her. This is just another attempt by the Clinton campaign to defame a candidate who just today is number one in three different polls. Anyone who would pay thugs to incite violence at a rally against American citizens, as was released on video, will stop at nothing. Just another example of the Clinton campaign trying to rig the election."

Allred and the accuser declined to provide names of people they said could back up the story.

ABC News has not been able to independently verify Drake's account.