ABC News Exclusive: Robin Roberts to Interview Cleveland Kidnapping Survivors Amanda Berry and Gina Dejesus For Their Memoir Hope: A Memoir of Survival in Cleveland

— -- ABC News anchor Robin Roberts brings viewers the remarkable story of hope, strength and resilience in the first broadcast interview with Amanda Berry and Gina DeJesus two of the girls who were kidnapped by Ariel Castro and survived a decade of imprisonment and unimaginable torture in his Cleveland home. In 2013, the young women finally escaped, their story resonating with families around the world who could not imagine the horrors that they faced and the life lost over those years. “Captive: A Journey of Survival and Hope” is a Special Edition of “20/20” airing on Tuesday, April 28 at 10:00PM ET/PT. A portion of the interview will air Monday, April 27th on “Good Morning America,” and additional portions will air Tuesday April, 28th on “Good Morning America,” “World News Tonight with David Muir,” “Nightline,” ABC, and on Yahoo!

Berry and DeJesus share the heartbreaking story of their captivity, their dramatic escape, how they are rebuilding their lives, and their memoir Hope: A Memoir of Survival in Cleveland, to be released on April 27, written with Pulitzer Prize-winning Washington Post journalists Mary Jordan and Kevin Sullivan (Viking). The book contains descriptions of events within Castro’s house, including accounts from more than 1,200 pages of diary entries, interwoven with original reporting on Castro’s life and law enforcements efforts to find the missing girls.