Best brands for at-home iced coffee and cold brew makers

Take a look at recommended brands for coffee and cold brew at home.

As winter turns to spring, so, too, changes the caffeinated drink preferences for coffee drinkers across the Northern Hemisphere.

Iced coffee, traditional hot coffee's trendy relative, is a convenient way to cool down and caffeinate in the spring months.

While traditional homemade coffee is a simple process -- whether the pour-over method, stovetop or coffee machine pods -- the production of at-home iced coffee can be made easier by way of a variety of different at-home iced coffee machines.

Meet the expert

ABC News spoke to Matthew Evilsizor, founder of Conscious Bean, a coffee consulting company, to determine the best iced coffee makers.

Conscious Bean helps develop, design and improve coffee shops' operations.

What exactly you should look for

The key to finding the right iced coffee maker depends on what you are aiming for your maker to do, Evilsizor said. If you are only looking for iced coffee, a wide array of machines will help you achieve that by brewing hot coffee that you can then pour over ice.

However, if you are looking for cold brew, a drink that Evilsizor admits has varying definitions, some brands rise above the rest.

"If we're talking about cold brew, I genuinely believe that that is a coffee bean that has had cold water used to steep it at a lower temperature for a longer period of time," Evilsizor said.

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The top-of-the-line

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Sleek design iced coffee makers recommended by the expert

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