The best sun-protective clothing to keep your skin safe

Stay safe and stylish this summer.

As we embrace the summer months, it's important to remember that protecting our skin from the sun's harmful UV rays is crucial. While sunscreen is a must-have in any sun-safety routine, sun-protective clothing offers an additional layer of defense.

Sun protection is important for preventing skin cancer. Just as sunscreen bottles have a sun protective factor or SPF label, clothing designed for sun protection has a similar rating called "ultraviolet protective factor," or UPF. A higher UPF number means better sun protection, according to the American Cancer Society.

The American Academy of Dermatology recommends these tips when choosing the best sun-protective clothing:

  • Lightweight and long-sleeved shirts and pants: Covering as much skin as possible is crucial when spending time outdoors. Avoid fabrics with a loose or open weave, such as lace, and opt for dark colors, which offer more protection than light colors. For instance, a long-sleeved denim shirt provides an SPF of about 1,700, while a white t-shirt provides an SPF of about 7. Remember, dry clothing offers more sun protection than wet clothing, especially at the beach or pool. For the best protection, select clothing with a UPF number on the label.
  • Sunglasses with UV protection: Sunglasses are essential for sun protection. Always choose lenses that explicitly offer UV protection, as dark lenses do not necessarily provide it. Large-framed or wraparound sunglasses offer more protection than aviators, so consider this when selecting your sunglasses.
  • A wide-brimmed hat: A hat effectively covers your face and neck. Choose one with a wide brim to protect your ears, head, and neck. Avoid baseball hats or straw hats with holes, as they are less effective in providing protection.
  • Shoes that cover your feet: If you wear sandals, flip-flops or go barefoot, be sure to apply sunscreen to all exposed skin.
  • What to look for in sun-protective clothing

    When shopping for sun-protective clothing, it's essential to understand the key features that make these garments effective. Here are the primary factors to consider:

  • UPF rating: UPF ratings indicate how much UV radiation a fabric allows to reach your skin. The higher the UPF, the greater the protection. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, clothing with a UPF of 30 to 49 offers very good protection, while UPF 50+ is considered excellent.
  • Fabric type: Tightly woven fabrics offer better protection than loosely woven ones. Synthetic fibers like polyester and nylon are more effective at blocking UV rays compared to natural fibers like cotton.
  • Color: Darker colors absorb more UV radiation, preventing it from reaching your skin. However, some newer sun-protective clothing lines use light-colored fabrics treated with UV-blocking substances to provide excellent protection without the heat retention of dark colors.
  • Fit and coverage: Loose-fitting clothing is preferable as it allows for airflow and lessens the chance of stretching, which can reduce the fabric's protective capabilities. Additionally, choose garments that cover more skin, such as long sleeves, high collars, and long pants.
  • How to choose the best sun-protective clothing

    With many options on the market, selecting the best sun-protective clothing can be overwhelming. Here are some tips to help you make an informed choice:

  • Check the label: Look for clothing labeled with a UPF rating. This rating is a clear indication that the garment has been tested for its UV protection effectiveness.
  • Consider the activity: Different activities require different types of sun-protective clothing. For instance, if you're going to the beach, you might prefer lightweight, quick-drying materials. For hiking, you might want more durable, breathable fabrics.
  • Comfort is key: Ensure the clothing is comfortable to wear. Sun-protective garments should not only protect you but also allow you to enjoy your time outdoors without feeling restricted or overheated.
  • Look for trusted brands: Brands that specialize in outdoor and sun-protective gear, like Coolibar and Columbia, often have rigorous testing standards for their products.
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