Michael Cera Releases Surprise Solo Album

Dog the Bounty Hunter threatens War Machine, Celine Dion Puts Career on Hold

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"I want to devote every ounce of my strength and energy to my husband's healing, and to do so, it's important for me to dedicate this time to him and to our children," Dion announced in a statement on her website. "I also want to apologize to all my fans everywhere, for inconveniencing them, and I thank them so much for their love and support."


quicklist:3title: Jason Mamoa Getting Own 'Aquaman' Movie text: Jason Mamoa, who is set to play "Aquaman" in the "Batman Vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice" movie set for 2016, is now also getting a movie of his own, according to the Hollywood Reporter.

The movie is reportedly being developed on two tracks, with Bill Beall and Kurt Johnson both writing separate scripts for the Warner Brothers film.

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“I will miss being a quarter of this band, and will support whatever course Death Cab for Cutie chooses from here," said Walla. "I am profoundly grateful to Ben, Nick, and Jason, for the experiences that define my adult life. Truly grateful, beyond words. Thank you."

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quicklist:5title: 'Power Rangers' Movie Release Date Settext: The Power Rangers are back in full force with the “Mighty Morphin Power Rangers” movie set for a July 22, 2016 release, Entertainment Weekly reports. The Lionsgate film about high school kids with the power to save the world evolved from the popular Fox Kids TV series in the early 1990s.

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