Harris to Host Oscars; Beyonce Gets Bangs

What's trending online today

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title: Neil Patrick Harris Gets a New Gig

text: It's going to be legen--wait for it--dary.

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title: Beyonce's New Bangs

text: The first lady may have gotten a wave of universal support when she debuted her bangs in January 2013, but Beyonce didn't receive the same reaction.

The pop superstar was spotted with extremely short bangs during a visit to Paris and later London on Wednesday.

Twitter had a predictable backlash. The word Bangopocalpse was used in some reports and others just prayed it was a wig, but, as always, her loyal 'Beyhive' of fans came to her defense on social media.

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title: Michelle Obama Mixes Root Vegetables With Rap

text: The first lady has been known to spontaneously dance while promoting her 'Let's Move' initiative, but it's gone to a new level now.

Michelle Obama made a play on Lil' Jon's hit 'Turn Down For What' in a punny Vine video where she grooves out with a head nod while holding up a turnip.

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title: Ebola in the Spotlight

text: Ebola is one of the top online search terms after another nurse in Texas tested positive for the disease.

It was revealed that nurse Amber Vinson had flown from Cleveland to Dallas less than a day before her fever spiked and was tested for Ebola. She told officials that her temperature was 99.5 before flying and they said she could fly because technically, that did not meet their standard for a fever, which is 100.4 degrees.

Duncan's medical records state that Vinson drew his blood, inserted catheters and dealt with his bodily fluids while treating him.

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