Jason Collins Makes History, Danica Patrick Zooms Ahead on Twitter

Collins becomes first openly gay athlete to play in the NBA.

Feb. 24, 2014— -- quicklist: 1title: Jason Collins Makes NBA Historytext: Jason Collins made history Sunday when he stepped onto the basketball court at the Staples Center in Los Angeles wearing a Brooklyn Nets jersey, becoming the first openly gay athlete to play in one of North America's four major professional team sports.

The former Washington Wizards player signed a 10-day contract with the Nets. He came out last April when he was a free agent.

Read more about Collins' return to the court here.

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quicklist: 2title: Danica Patrick Tops 1 Million Followers on Twittertext: Danica Patrick is winning the Twitter popularity contest among NASCAR drivers.

In the days leading up to the season opening Daytona 500 Sunday, Patrick become the first driver to surpass 1 million followers on Twitter.

"It just shows what incredible and loyal fans I have," she told The Associated Press.

While she may be zooming ahead in followers, Patrick finished toward the bottom of the pack Sunday.

After a lengthy rain delay, Dale Earnhardt Jr. won the Daytona 500.

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quicklist: 3title: What's Next for Snake Salvation Churchtext: After a "snake handling" pastor of a small Pentecostal church in Kentucky died from a rattlesnake bite, his son said he will continue the practice, according to the Christian Post.

Jamie Coots, the pastor of the Full Gospel Tabernacle in Jesus Name in Middlesboro, Ky., was handling a rattlesnake during a service when he was bitten on his right hand earlier this month. But when the ambulance arrived at 8:30 p.m., the EMS team found that Coots had gone home, according to a statement from the Middlesboro Police Department.

Coots' son was quoted as saying that he, too, will refuse medical treatment if he is bitten by the snake.

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quicklist: 4title: Jake the Snake Has Cancertext: Beloved WWE wrestler Jake "The Snake" Roberts has cancer, a representative for the star told ABCNews.com.

Roberts told is scheduled to have surgery Tuesday to remove a tumor behind his knee.

Ever the tough guy, he told TMZ, "If the devil can't defeat me, cancer doesn't stand a chance in hell! Pray for sick children who face this horrible disease 'cause The Snake will be just fine."

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