Cyber Street Smarts: Play Safely on the Web

— -- Luckily, children today have the ability to access more information than any generation before. Because of the Internet, they now have a wealth of information at their fingertips that can enrich their lives in new and wondrous ways. However, the Internet also has the potential to put our personal information at risk. Too often we read about another company falling victim to a cyber attack, or a friend’s email or social network account being hacked. These dangers are real.

Here are 10 ways you can stay safe while utilizing all of the benefits that the Internet has to offer:

1. Cyber Security is Constantly Changing.

The threat landscape is constantly evolving with new threats daily. As a result, you should be vigilant about downloading the latest software updates and patches for all of the programs you use, especially security software. These updates will help patch newly found security holes that hackers try to exploit. It’s also a good idea to keep an eye on the news for announcements about any new threats.

2. Phase out phishing.

You may be Internet savvy enough to know not to click on a suspicious URL that looks like it is from your bank or a friend, but what about the rest of your family? Educate your family about phishing and warn them not to click on suspicious URLs from emails, instant messages or in social network messages. Be sure to get a security program that recognizes and blocks untrustworthy URLs.

3. Steer clear of scams.

There are many ways to fool you into giving away your information online. Even some legitimate businesses can trick you into signing up for recurring payments disguised as free trials and the like. If you sign up for something that’s “free,” but your credit card information is required, this is a red flag. Monitor your credit card statements closely.

4. Use secure, unique passwords and a password management system.

Passwords are the keys to your digital kingdom, and a primary defense against hacks, and its no secret that it’s often a pretty flimsy one. Bolster your defense with a strong password that is unique to each site you use, and use a password management program to keep track of them. This way you only need to remember one password.

5. Safeguard your social networks.

There’s a good chance that someone in your house is on a social network. Due to the vast amount of personal information that lies within social networks, they have become a huge draw for cybercriminals. Check your privacy settings to be sure your friends are the only people who can see your personal information. If someone messages you who hasn’t done so in a while, be suspicious, especially if there’s a link or an attachment included in the message. Your friend’s account may have been hacked.

6. Secure your network.

Your home Wi-Fi network is another entry point for hackers, which can give them access to all the devices that connect to it. Make sure you have a super secure password and consider using Internet security software that identifies “intruders” on the network.

7. Teach your kids the importance of online safety.

When it comes to cyber security smarts, kids can be the weakest link. Be sure that you have security software that can keep children from clicking on the wrong links and visiting the wrong sites. Parents should teach kids about suspicious activity online such as scams, cyberbullying and phishing. Be sure to encourage them to notify a trusted adult if something seems suspicious.

Now that we use our phones and tablets just as we would our computers, these devices certainly need as much security protection as your PC. Be sure that your Internet security solution has coverage for your mobile devices as well. Put a passcode on your tablets and phones too.

9. When possible, use a credit card.

With a debit card, a cybercriminal can drain your account in seconds. Credit cards are akin to loans, and you can dispute a charge before you have to pay, so use that rather than your debit card.

10. Still not sure- call support.

The best security software programs offer support 24 hours a day. If you ever have any suspicions you’ve been hacked, you can always call for help.

The bad guys may be smart, but you can be smarter. With these tips, you can help protect your family’s devices so they can Go Boldly online, without worry.