My Wish 10th anniversary

There's No Crying, But My Wish Emotions Run Deep

First, you don't cry.

At least that's how I've gotten through the 180 or so individual interviews we've conducted over the past 11 years with our My Wish families. Yes, my fingernails have carved arcs of suppressed feeling into chairs, sofas and love seats across the country. I've pinched my right leg through my trousers multiple times in a single day. When in deep trouble, I've broken eye contact with our subject, looked down and tried to just hold on for a few moments, as if clinging to a raft careening through whitewater.
Read more from Chris Connelly »


  • Katie Morris

    In our first year, 2006, we brought you the story of Katie Morris, a fun, feisty 12-year-old who loved playing baseball but had to leave the field after a diagnosis of brain cancer. She came up with a wish that was unselfish, a gift to her former teammates. Now, we bring you the story of what happened after that wish, how Katie's irrepressible spirit brightened so many lives.











    Make-A-Wish extends its thanks to Disney and ESPN for their support of the "My Wish" Series and for their help in creating incredible wish experiences. Learn how you can help wish kids at

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