675,000 raffle tickets sold to win 86 pairs of Nike self-lacing shoes

— -- Fans of Nike and "Back to the Future" bought 675,000 raffle tickets in hopes of winning one of 86 pairs of self-lacing Nike MAG shoes, the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research revealed Thursday.

Nike sold $10 tickets from Oct. 4-11 and notified winners on Monday. It will donate the $6.75 million raised from the raffle to the foundation.

Taking into account the 1,500 pairs of MAG shoes -- which were not self-lacing -- that were auctioned off on eBay in 2011, plus a matching donation, Nike has now raised more than $16 million for the foundation.

"Thanks to Nike, we've raised a boatload of money for research and we've had a ton of fun doing it," said actor Michael J. Fox, who was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease in 1991 and famously wore self-lacing shoes as Marty McFly in the 1989 film "Back to the Future II."

It's not known how much the lucky winners will be able to sell the shoes for on the open market, should they choose to do so, but Nike has auctioned off three pairs at events which might help set the market. One pair in Hong Kong sold for $105,000, and another one in London sold for $56,800. The final pair will be auctioned off in New York on Nov. 12 at a gala for the foundation.

"We could have never imagined when we started this journey 30 years ago it would had such a wide-ranging effect -- and can't wait for what's next," Nike chairman and CEO Mark Parker said in a statement.

The MJFF is the world's largest nonprofit funder of Parkinson's research in the world, having contributed more than $650 million to research endeavors.