Andrew Luck says he's 'very confident' he'll return to play this season

— -- INDIANAPOLIS -- Quarterback Andrew Luck said Wednesday that he is "very confident, very confident" that he will return to the field for the Colts before the season ends.

Luck has been out the past two weeks with a lacerated kidney and partially torn abdominal muscle suffered on the first play of the fourth quarter against the Denver Broncos on Nov. 8.

"Rest is a huge, huge portion of it, and from what the doctors and everyone has told me, it's what you have to do for organs to get healthy," Luck said in his first interview since the Colts said he would be out anywhere from 2 to 6 weeks with the injury. Luck doesn't have an exact timetable on when he'll be back playing.

Veteran Matt Hasselbeck is 3-0 as Luck's replacement at quarterback this season.

"I'm going to defer to doctors," Luck said. "As athletes we do know our bodies very well. I think there are certain things that are non-negotiable. As I understand, an organ healing is non-negotiable. ... You don't want to look too far ahead and miss a day of a chance to get better. Trying to take it day by day and make each day the best day."

Luck's competitive nature has him believing he can shake off any tackler, and that's a factor in his reluctance to slide when he breaks the pocket to scramble. But now he's going to rethink that philosophy.

The injury happened when Luck took a hit from Broncos linebacker Danny Trevathan, and then defensive end Vance Walker came from behind to sandwich him.

"Part of me brought it upon myself by not sliding in certain situations," Luck said. "There's a time and place to taking a hit. I'm not going to apologize in that sense. Sometimes I feel it is appropriate. Sliding is something I still need to improve on. It's no secret."

The lacerated kidney and abdomen injury add to a season of disappointment for Luck, who had not missed any time for injuries during his first three seasons. He missed two games earlier this season with a right shoulder injury. Despite missing three games, Luck is still tied for the second-most interceptions in the NFL with 12.

"Some different challenges presented themselves this year," Luck said. "I wasn't playing very good football to start the season off and the injuries. But that's sports. That's football. It's part of it. No one feels sorry for you. You keep on plugging away."