Awful rookie hazing haircuts from NFL training camps

— -- One of the most entertaining rituals during NFL training camps is the traditional shearing of the rookies. Here's a look at some of the most horrible hazing haircuts we've seen over the years.

Pat McQuistan

Offensive lineman Pat McQuistan came to Dallas Cowboys camp in 2006 with long hair. That might have been a bad idea, as he wound up losing more than a little off the top thanks to the team's veterans.

Tim Tebow

It doesn't matter if you're a high-profile first-round pick in Denver Broncos camp, as Tim Tebow learned in 2010. The beard pulls this whole look together.

Titans offensive linemen

Some of the Tennessee Titans' offensive linemen -- from left, Jason Gamble, Ben Adams, Zach Piller and Ian Rafferty -- ended up looking like a supersized version of the Lollipop Guild from "The Wizard of Oz" after their hack jobs in 1999.

Chas Alecxih

The Miami Dolphins' veterans don't just use scissors and clippers; they add bleach, too. Defensive tackle Chas Alecxih got the splotchy look in 2012.

George Bias

Titans offensive guard George Bias didn't know if he was coming or going after having a face shaved into the back of his head in 2012.

Tom Brandstater

Broncos quarterback Tom Brandstater was left with the top of his dome exposed in 2009. It must have been practice for the style Tebow got a year later.

Dennis Roland

Cowboys offensive lineman Dennis Roland seemed happy about the reverse-mohawk he was given in 2006.

Lucas Nix

Oakland Raiders guard Lucas Nix apparently was not thrilled about the hair clumps he was left with in 2012.

Olivier Vernon

There was no hometown exemption for defensive end Olivier Vernon, who was born, raised and went to college in Miami before being drafted -- and dyed -- by the Dolphins in 2012.

Kyle Newhall-Caballero

Ivy League quarterback Kyle Newhall-Caballero didn't make it in the NFL, but he did get this brain-cooling 'do in Raiders camp in 2012.

Bennie Fowler

It looks like they missed a spot. Broncos receiver Bennie Fowler's 2014 style was a real head-turner.

Mike Tepper

Maybe the Cowboys veterans who shaved the hair off half of Mike Tepper's head (and face) in 2010 just wanted to highlight his good side.

Patriot games

The New England Patriots didn't care if you played offense or defense when it came to haircuts in 2007. From left, offensive lineman Mike Elgin, linebacker Justin Rogers and offensive lineman Clint Oldenburg got equally bad treatment from the veteran "barbers."