Ayesha Curry steals page from Steph, knocks down 3 in pickup game

— -- Drake may need to change the lyrics of his hit song "0-100" to:

"I been Steph Curry Ayesha Curry with the shot."

While making a stop in China on Steph's Under Armour promotional tour of Asia, the Currys participated in a pickup game on an outdoor court in Guangzhou.

Ayesha posted a photo to Instagram early Sunday, showing fans and buzzing onlookers that Steph isn't the only one in the family capable of knocking down a long-range 3. In the video, Ayesha sinks a shot to the dismay of Steph, who was standing under the basket.

Check out the shot here:

And again, for multiple angles sake.

Look at that form!

Curry appropriately captioned the post: "When ball is life in China."

Sean Hurd is a digital media associate for ESPN. Follow him on Twitter @seanahurd