Conor McGregor crops fan out of photo, gets called out for it

— -- After fortuitously running into UFC star? Conor McGregor?on the streets of New York last week, Erin Safran decided to post a photo of the encounter on Instagram.

McGregor apparently saw the photo and liked his outfit so much that he reposted it with the caption: "Gucci mustard." Except there was one issue: He cropped Safran and her brother out of his post.

Instead of getting upset or aggressively calling McGregor out, Safran made light of the situation, turning it into a viral meme with a tinge of self-deprecation.

Following McGregor's knockout victory in UFC 205 and post-fight non-apology, Safran seized an opportunity to return the favor and crop McGregor out of the photo -- quoting him, no less.

-- Jovan Buha