Deflate-Gate: Indianapolis Colts Linebacker Didn't Notice Anything Wrong With Intercepted Football

Patriots coach, QB deny under-inflating footballs.

Jackson said he only wanted the ball as a souvenir and gave it to the Colts' equipment manager but hasn't seen it since, reports ESPN.

"If anybody recognized anything, it definitely wouldn't come from me," said Jackson.

Both Belichick and Brady on Thursday denied under-inflating the balls used in the game, which New England won, 45-7.

"I was as surprised as anybody when I heard Monday morning that this happened," said Brady.

Belichick also said he is cooperating with the NFL's investigation.

The Colts had raised concerns as far back as this past November about under-inflated balls supplied by the Patriots following its regular-season Nov. 16 game game, ESPN reported.

Those sources also said that the Colts raised concerns to the league, which was aware of the issue going into Sunday's game.

The minimum disciplinary action for tampering of a football is a fine of $25,000, according to the NFL’s game operations manual.

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