Driver's blueprints to be inspected

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Michael Schumacher
ZURICH -- Michael Schumacher's plans to build a new family home and riding stables in a tiny Swiss village will be inspected by residents next week, a local official said. Local voters have to approve a zoning change to let the Formula One world champion construct his dream home on a wooded hilltop in rural Wolfhalden, population 1,750, in eastern Switzerland. Mario Pighi, head of the village council, said a vote on the zoning change could take place as early as April 21 if objections to the project are cleared up quickly. Residents will see the plans at the town hall and discuss it at a meeting at the local firehouse on January 25. "A large majority of the people in the village certainly stands behind this project. This is sure, but whenever something like this is done there are always critical voices who say it could be done better," he said. An environmental group has already said it will fight the project, which envisions a home among fields, hedges, woods, stone walls and two ponds. Schumacher's wife Corinna is eager to build stalls and facilities to raise horses on the farm. The Ferrari driver, who has lived in French-speaking western Switzerland for more than five years, wants to move so his two children can attend German-language schools.