Eli Manning passes Joe Montana, sits 10th for all time TDs thrown

— -- NEW ORLEANS -- With six touchdowns on Sunday,  New York Giants quarterback Eli Manning moved into the top 10 for touchdowns thrown.

Manning's third touchdown pass of the game Sunday was the 273rd of his career which tied him with Joe Montana for 11th place on the NFL's all-time list.

He didn't take long to move past Montana, either, throwing a 50-yard touchdown pass to Odell Beckham Jr. on the opening drive of the second half to give him 274. It was Beckham's third touchdown reception of the game.

The Montana-tying touchdown was a goal-line pass to running back Shane Vereen. Manning's touchdown passes in Sunday's first half were 2, 1 and 2 yards long -- the first two to Beckham as well.

Manning tied Vinny Testaverde for 10th with a 9-yard strike to Dwayne Harris in the fourth quarter. He then passed Testaverde by again finding Harris, this time for a 20-yard score.

A New Orleans native, Manning moved into the top 10 on the road against the Saints.

Manning wasn't alone in his touchdown rampage as Drew Brees also has thrown for six scores. The single-game record for touchdowns thrown by a quarterback is seven, a mark held by seven players.

The 12 combined TDs tossed by Manning and Brees is tied for the NFL record, according to the Elias Sports Bureau. The only other time it happened was in 1969 when both Billy Kilmer of the Saints and Charley Johnson of the St. Louis Cardinals threw six touchdowns apiece as New Orleans won 51-42. That is the only other game in which both QBs tossed six touchdowns, according to Elias.