Beyond the headlines: Notes to guide you through Kickoff Week

— -- For more than a decade, every weekday during the college football season I have written 3-Point Stance, three short notes to entertain, make you think or maybe even both. This season, as Kickoff Week begins Thursday night, we move to seven notes, twice a week. The mathematically inclined will note that means one fewer note per week. You are getting slightly less for the same price. Which, by the way, is nothing. And have you taken a look at your half-gallon of ice cream lately? It's not a half-gallon.

But I digress. Let's get on with the season: It is here, by god. It is here.

Tide will overwhelm the Trojans on the line

Fun fact from the Group of 5

Tar Heels forced to backtrack after fumbling with appointment of Beckman

Babers' spread will thrive in Carrier Dome

K-State will try and catch McCaffrey if it can

'Beamer ball' alive and well at Virginia Tech

Looking for signs of life from the Buffaloes