Indoor Park Survival Guide

— -- In Issue 2 of Holeshot, I wrote a short feature on surviving indoor skateparks. Since probably 50 people saw that, I figured I could do a bit of an update and change a few things for a post here. If you have to deal with a cold winter like me, I hope it helps. Step One: Make a Day Out Of It
Chances are you don't live in the same city as an indoor skatepark, so accept the fact that you're going to be gone all day and into the night. Get some fast food, buy a funny postcard from some weird town, make a sweet mix for the ride there. If you're smart and motivated you might even try and scope some street spots for the Spring sessions. This isn't really advised though, as it's kind of a lot of work and If you're like me indoor parks are enough BMX for about a week.
Step Two: Feel 'Er Out
No matter how much you "Don't care," riding an unfamiliar park with new people can suck tremendously. Find what you like and stick with it. Don't let anyone make you feel guilty for riding one thing. You can always come back and remember, this is a survival guide which means you're surviving by doing whatever it takes. If that entails doing curb endos on the stairs of the fake street set-up, so be it. Step Three: Avoid School Vacation Weeks!
That is of course, if you can. If school vacation is the only time you can go, then just be ready for the experience. It's going to be packed and you will hear a lot of "What kind of (insert part here) is that?" Sometimes the school vacation weeks can actually be pretty fun. It might make you ride that weird section you've never thought twice about, or it could also introduce you to the Zen and Art Of Snaking People. For more on this art, see next step.

I don't think it's snaking if you are just riding the park. Get in where you fit in. Then roll with it.

--Chris 'Snotty' Morse