John Daly: Drug testing not random

— -- John Daly railed against the PGA Tour's drug testing Tuesday night, calling it "a big joke."

His rant began when he was asked on SiriusXM's "Hit It Hard with John Daly" whether drug testing on the PGA Tour was random.

"Not at all," Daly told host Patrick Meagher. "I'm gonna play at 1:50 on Friday, so they're [going to] get me about 6:52, 7 o'clock."

"Wait, you're telling me you already know you're gonna get tested?" Meagher replied.

"Oh yeah, this'll be the fifth or sixth year in a row I'm going to get drug tested [at this event]," said Daly, who is scheduled to play the Valspar Championship this weekend. "It's the biggest bulls---, I'm sorry, I'm gonna say it, fine me. I don't care what you do, fix 'em right now, fine me, but I'm tired of it.

"It's not random; it's big a joke. This whole drug testing is a joke."

Daly went on to say, "I'm pissed 'cause I know I'm going to get drug tested no matter where I go."

"I'm actually defending all the golfers in this tournament," he continued. "But I'm so sick of it being 'random.' It's not random."

Daly called out PGA Tour commissioner Tim Finchem and chief of operations Andy Pazder in particular, saying, "Andy Pazder, if you listen to this show, you and Tim Finchem get off your ass and get it right. You know, I'm tired of it. Because it has to be random; this is bulls---. And I'm sorry, fine me, I don't care what you do, fine me, but do it randomly."

Daly reiterated his point Wednesday after his pro-am at the Valspar Championship in Palm Harbor, Florida, saying: "It's not fair to the tour guys. I don't mind taking a drug test at all. When I'm sitting out here Thursday and Friday thinking I'm going to get drug tested, holding my [urine] for two hours, it affects your golf game."

When he finished talking, Ross Berlin, the tour's director of player relations, was waiting to speak to him. They spoke as they walked across the practice green and when Daly got into a cart to go back to the clubhouse, he smiled and said, "I already got my letter."

The PGA Tour, which began its drug testing program in summer 2008, said Daly didn't have his facts straight.

"While our staff has met with John Daly in the past, including within the past year, to review the details of the program, it would appear we need to do so again based on his recent comments," the tour said in a statement.

The tour said it has explained to Daly that testing is random and selective. The policy allows for "target testing."

"We have also shared with him his own individual testing history," the tour said. "While it is not our practice to publicly comment on individual testing matters, we reserve the right to correct factually incorrect statements. Contrary to his assertions, John Daly has never been targeted for testing and his claim that players know when they will be tested is simply not true."

Not everyone agrees with Daly. Said tour veteran Bo Van Pelt, "No problem with randomness. I have been tested West Coast, Florida, and later in year. I am in favor of full disclosure of positive tests whether it be performance or recreational drugs."

Daly's chief complaint was the predictability of the drug testing.

"I know when I'm getting drug tested," he said. "That's sad. They all know when we're getting drug tested. And for you dopers and all that s--- on the PGA Tour, you know you're getting drug tested, you got it made! You got it made! And I'm tired of it."

Daly also alleged the PGA Tour doesn't take drug testing seriously.

"Like Major League Baseball and NFL take it seriously," Daly said. "[The PGA Tour thinks] it's a joke."

A PGA Tour veteran and multiple tournament winner not only verified John Daly's statements but went a step further.

"You would be surprised how many guys are tested more often [than others]. I refer to this group as the 'safe' guys. We get tested often because we are clean, and it makes testing look frequent and thorough. Total facade. They don't test 'big iffy' guys often at all. Never out of competition, either. Testing Daly may seem thorough, but nobody has ever thought he's done anything illegal. Only alcohol, and that's not illegal. ... It is a joke, as JD said. No transparency."

If these allegations prove to be true, the ramifications for the PGA Tour and the Olympics could be devastating.

Daly is scheduled to tee off Thursday at 9:05 a.m. ET off the first tee with Andres Romero and Jeff Overton.

Information from The Associated Press was used in this report.