Kanye West asks Steve Ballmer if he can redesign Clippers' mascot, Chuck the Condor

— -- During another one of his epic Twitter rants, 21-time Grammy winner Kanye West shifted gears from talking about the future of humanity to ... the future of the Clippers' new mascot?

Chuck the Condor was unveiled as the Clippers mascot earlier this month to what could generously be called "mixed" reaction. Although  public criticism might not matter for a mascot, Chuck wasn't about to let this one slide -- hitting Kanye with one of his own lyrics from "I Love Kanye".

There's no word yet on whether Ballmer will take Yeezy up on his offer or maybe invite the rapper/fashion designer to join him courtside for a game to see that Chuck isn't that bad. Regardless of what happens, it's safe to say we won't see Chris Paul or Blake Griffin -- a pair of Jordan Brand endorsers -- rocking Yeezys any time soon.

UPDATE: Ballmer responds, and Kanye accepts!

Oh, to be at the next table for that lunch. Will Ballmer and Kanye split an appetizer? Will they get dessert? And who picks up the check? Maybe they can work out a deal: the Clippers' owner lets Kanye West re-design the mascot, and Kanye puts "The Life of Pablo" on Microsoft's music service, Groove.