Melo: I'm the most underrated star

— -- WEST POINT, N.Y. -- New York Knicks forward Carmelo Anthony thinks he's the "most underrated" star player in the NBA.

"I think I'm the most underrated superstar that's out there, but that doesn't matter to me," Anthony, laughing, told ESPN's Chris Broussard.

Anthony was responding to a question about the possibility that he's underrated because he hasn't yet won an NBA title.

"I know what I'm capable of doing. I know the grind and the hard work I put in to this," Anthony said. "I know how consistent I've been over my career. To do it day in and day out and night in and night out on a very consistent basis year in year out, I know what I can do and I know the work I've put in."

"So as far as caring about if I'm underrated as a superstar, and getting the respect I deserve, I don't worry about that. In due time if everything goes well, I will get it."

Anthony is undoubtedly one of the top scorers in basketball. He won the NBA's scoring title in 2012-13 and finished second to Kevin Durant last season. But Anthony's individual success hasn't translated to his teams performing at an elite level.

Anthony's teams have made the playoffs in 10 of his 11 seasons in the NBA but have advanced past the second round just once.  Some say that's because of a lack of talent surrounding Anthony. Others use it as a way to critique the seven-time All-Star.

Anthony was asked by Broussard whether he's bothered by the idea that he's not known to be in the same class as LeBron James and Durant -- the men widely recognized as the top two players in the NBA.

"I know, personally, I'm there. It doesn't bother me," he said. "These [analysts] are all people that maybe never accomplish anything. That just sit back and write articles all day long about what they see. They're kind of living through us out there on the basketball court.

"I don't worry about me being put up there. I know night in and night out I'm gonna go out there and put my work in regardless of win, loss or draw. I'm still going to go out there and be the best player I can be."

Anthony backed off his quotes after the Knicks' training camp practice Thursday, saying he doesn't think about where he ranks.

"I don't feel like that," Anthony said of being underrated. "I think it was just the course of the way the conversation was going. They took it and ran with it. That's something I don't get into.

"... I know what I can do, and I know what I've done on the basketball court. I know what I can get better at. But as far as you know, self-proclaiming me as being an underrated superstar, that's out of my league."

Anthony, 30, tested free agency over the summer and entertained offers from Chicago, the  Los Angeles Lakers, Houston and  Dallas. He  ultimately decided to return to the Knicks, signing a five-year, $124 million contract.

Earlier this week, Anthony said he was motivated to return to New York in part because of "unfinished business."

"I kind of forced my way to New York [in 2011], and I have some unfinished business to take care of," Anthony said Monday. "I wouldn't have felt right from a personal standpoint, just getting up and leaving."