NFL: 'Lot of work to do' despite drop in preseason concussions

NEW YORK -- The NFL is attacking the concussion issue on a team-by-team basis.

"In six of those seven clubs, the numbers did go down," Sills said. "Those seven clubs had 23 practice concussions as a whole in 2017, down to nine in 2018."

Overall, the league said, preseason concussions were down from 91 in 2017 to 79 this year, and that there were zero on kickoff plays. The NFL modified its kickoff rules this year to make the play safer, as it traditionally has featured a significantly higher rate of concussions than other plays.

Helmets that fall into the red category are being prohibited starting this year for new players and next year for players who were already in the league, giving them a "grandfather" year to find a helmet that works for them and still falls into the approved category.

Miller said the number of players wearing red-rated helmets was down from 230 last year to 40 as of Week 3 of this season.