NFL reviewing Peterson's case

— -- The NFL advised Adrian Peterson on Thursday afternoon that, following his plea agreement earlier this week to resolve his criminal child abuse case in Texas, his matter now will be reviewed for potential discipline under the league's personal conduct policy.

In the letter it sent to Peterson and his agent, Ben Dogra, the NFL makes specific reference to the original charge of felony injury to a child, even though the  Minnesota Vikings running back entered a no-contest plea and any language specifically related to domestic violence or that the victim was a child was removed, a source close to the process told ESPN NFL Insider Ed Werder.

As part of the process, the NFL has requested that Peterson submit relevant information regarding his case and meet with designated experts who will make recommendations for commissioner Roger Goodell's consideration. Peterson also will have the opportunity to have a hearing before the issuance of any discipline.

Among the information Peterson has been requested to submit are photographs, witness statements, and the names of any counselors or other professionals he has been consulting with the past two months, the source told Werder.

Pending completion of the process, Peterson's status on the commissioner's exempt list will remain unchanged, the NFL said.

It is "highly unlikely" anything with Peterson will be resolved until next week, at the earliest, sources told ESPN NFL Insider Adam Schefter.

"Our union worked with the NFL, the Minnesota Vikings and Adrian's representatives on a mutual agreement pending the adjudication of his legal case," the NFL Players Association said in a statement Thursday. "Now that his legal matter is resolved, we believe it is Adrian's right to be treated in a manner that is consistent with similar cases under our collective bargaining agreement. We will pursue any and all remedies if those rights are breached."

Also Thursday, Nike confirmed it has severed its relationship with Peterson. His contract with the shoe giant had been suspended in September.

Peterson avoided jail time Tuesday in a plea agreement reached with prosecutors to resolve his child abuse case for the discipline of his 4-year-old son. The running back pleaded no contest to a misdemeanor charge of reckless assault and a finding of guilt was deferred for two years, while he was fined $4,000 and ordered to complete 80 hours of community service.

After playing in the season opener, Peterson has missed the Vikings' past eight games with pay, this under the terms of the commissioner's exempt list.

Peterson was indicted in September on a felony charge of injury to a child for using a wooden switch to discipline his son earlier this year in suburban Houston. He says he never intended to harm his son and was disciplining him in the same way he had been as a child growing up in East Texas.

The mother of the boy released a statement Wednesday saying she agreed with the terms of the plea bargain, wanted Peterson to continue his relationship with their son and hoped he would not face further discipline from the league because of the incident.

After his initial court appearance Oct. 8, Peterson was required to submit to a drug test, and he admitted to the worker conducting his urinalysis exam that he had "smoked a little weed." That admission could also be reviewed as the league considers whether to reinstate Peterson this season. Vikings reporter Ben Goessling and The Associated Press contributed to this report.