Pro Athletes Don 'I Can't Breathe' Shirts in Support of Eric Garner Protesters

Detroit Lions' Reggie Bush and Chicago Bulls' Derrick Rose take part.

"It's just a terrible situation, you know what I mean," Bush said, according to ESPN. "It's just unfortunate that this is still happening and that it is still going on and it affects everybody. It doesn't just affect me, it affects everybody and we're all in this together.

Several members of the Rams previously entered the field with their hands in the air in "don't shoot" poses, showing support for those protesting a grand jury's decision to not indict Darren Wilson, the police officer who fatally shot Michael Brown in nearby Ferguson, Missouri.

"I saw a picture of it, yeah," Bush told ESPN. "I thought that was really cool. It speaks volumes, you know. We all have, from an athlete standpoint, we all have a voice and I feel we can all be role models and lead by example."

Grand jury decisions to not indict officers in the cases of Garner and Michael have sparked protests across the country.