Quiz: Who Said It -- Kobe Or Jordan?

— -- The Kobe Bryant Retirement Tour rolls through Chicago on Sunday night, in a city familiar with the type of singular greatness that Bryant has made his legacy.

Chicago, the city in which Michael Jordan arguably achieved more than any other individual to pick up a basketball, shares an odd relationship with the player who came closest to emulating its hoops hero.

There was the potential Kobe-to-Chicago trade in the 2007 that almost came to pass.

There was Bryant's response when asked if he was passing the torch to Derrick Rose in 2010: "I ain't passing s---" (Speaking of which, is there a quote that more succinctly captures Bryant's essence?)

But mostly there was just the similitude of Bryant and Jordan, alike in innumerable ways from moves to mentality, and if you ever needed more evidence, these quotes underline it: