Rider team disciplined for 'hazing'; school scuttled attempt at naked run

— -- LAWRENCE, N.J. -- Rider University in New Jersey suspended its entire men's cross-country team after saying the team's plan to run naked around the school's track was hazing.

School police responded to a report of students at the track on the evening of Sept. 5 and found team members preparing to run naked. The school launched an investigation of all 28 members of the men's team.

University spokeswoman Kristine Brown told NJ.com the investigation found no intent to coerce any of the team members to participate. Still, Brown said, "the team's behavior was unacceptable and is indeed considered hazing."

The team's coach canceled practice and the team was suspended from competing in a Rider-hosted meet on Sept. 19.

"Both the team's head coach and our director of athletics have met with the team to educate them on why their actions were inappropriate and reinforce Rider's student code of conduct," Brown said.

Information from The Associated Press was included in this report.