Rory McIlroy Withdraws From Rio Olympics Over Zika Concerns

He is one of the highest-profile athletes to pull out of the Rio Games.

"I've come to realize that my health and my family's health comes before anything else," McIlroy, 27, said in a statement released by his management company. "Even though the risk of infection from the Zika virus is considered low, it is a risk nonetheless and a risk I am unwilling to take.

"I trust the Irish people will understand my decision. The unwavering support I receive every time I compete in a golf tournament at home or abroad means the world to me," he added.

The Olympic Council of Ireland (OCI) issued a statement expressing its disappointment in McIlroy's decision.

"The OCI is extremely disappointed not to be taking Rory with us to Rio,” it said. “However, as we have always said, it is down to the individual, and of course we respect his decision, which he has taken for personal reasons."

McIlroy is one of the highest-profile sports stars to pull out of the Rio Games because of the virus.

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