Rules - Joining

— -- Franchise Fee
ESPN's Fantasy Baseball 2003 franchise fee is $29.95 (all transactions are free, so it's a one-time cost. Annual ESPN Insiders qualify for a $10 discount, Fantasy Basketball 2003 and Fantasy Hockey 2003 owners receive a $5 discount, and any additional teams are $17.95. Special new Five-packs are 69.95 and Three-packs of teams are $49.95. There are no additional costs for entering an alternate draft method, trading, picking up players from free agency, or any other reason. All transactions are free. The deadline for purchasing a Full Season franchise is Friday April 11, 2003 at 5 p.m. Pacific Time. The final draft day for the FLB 2003 Full Season will be Sunday, April 13, 2003. Teams must be drafted by this time in order to be eligible for overall prizes. All teams must join a group or mark their team as "Ready" by 11:59pm PT on the day prior to their draft day to assure that their team is drafted. This service is offered with a limited money back guarantee. Owners may cancel their teams and receive a full refund of the purchase price up until the time their team has drafted. Creating a Team
There is no limit to the number of teams that can play in ESPN's Fantasy Baseball game. However, team owners are strongly encouraged to place only one team in each group they join. A multiple teams in the same league page has been created to further inform owners about this often-troublesome situation. To purchase a team, view the tour or click on the link off the game's frontpage. To access your team after purchasing, go to the Fantasy Baseball 2003 frontpage and log in using your username and password. You can then enter your preseason team setup page. Once here, a team owner has the ability to name his team, create a personal profile, set his activity level, and join a group. When choosing team names, please keep your location and nickname clean. Your team may end up in feature articles and top-10 lists that are posted on the frontpage of Fantasy Baseball. Team names must be unique for every team in a given league. No two franchises, regardless of league, may share the same combination of location and nickname. Personal Profiles
Each fantasy baseball team owner receives their own personal profile page which allows other owners to learn about them. The personal profiles accept HTML and allow team owners to insert text, images, and/or add links to their favorite sites. Please keep these clean as well - account holders posting inappropriate material may be censored, or even have their teams taken away. Go to any owner's personal profile, including your own, by clicking on the owner's name.