Stephen Curry makes shoes available to girls online after letter

Nine-year-old Riley Morrison needed shoes for the new hoops season, but after deciding she liked Under Armour's Stephen Curry model, she couldn't find a pair online. So she took her problem straight to the top, writing a letter to the  Golden State Warriors star.

Saying she's a big fan, Morrison wrote that she and her dad "were disappointed to see that there were no Curry 5s for sale under the girls section. However, they did have them for sale under the boy's section, even to customize."

Her activism worked. Curry wrote back, "We are correcting this now!" And that wasn't all. He also said he was sending her a pair of Curry 5s, and "you'll be one of the first kids to get the Curry 6."

Curry also invited Morrison to celebrate with him in Oakland on March 8 for International Women's Day.

A look at the Under Armour site on Thursday reveals that the Curry 5 shoes are indeed available in the girls' section.

Morrison told Teen Vogue, which originally reported the story, that she wrote to Curry because she thought it was "unfair" that the shoes were only available in the boys' section of the website.

"I wanted to help make things equal for all girls, because girls play basketball too," she said.