Driver Gets 4 Years in Fatal Sealy Crash
M I N N E A P O L I S, Oct. 18, 2000 -- The man who killed Minnesota Timberwolvesswingman Malik Sealy in a wrong-way car crash was sentencedtoday to four years in prison, the recommended penalty understate sentencing guidelines.
Prosecutors asked for the four-year term for SouksangouanePhengsene, 44, who told Judge Andrew Danielson at the hearing inHennepin County District Court that he was sorry for causing theaccident.
Phengsene was legally drunk when his pickup truck smashedhead-on into Sealy’s sport utility vehicle on May 20. Authoritiessaid Phengsene, who pleaded guilty to criminal vehicular homicidein September, had a blood-alcohol level of 0.19, nearly twice thelegal limit in Minnesota.
“When the defendant made the decision to drink and drive, hemade a decision that resulted in the death of Malik Sealy,” CountyAttorney Amy Klobuchar said after the hearing. “This was ahomicide.”
Widow Asks for Prison Term
Defense attorneys asked for no prison time for Phengsene,arguing that he was remorseful and that the accident occurred neara construction zone. He will have to serve at least 32 months.
Lisa Sealy, the player’s widow, gave an impact statement incourt and also asked Danielson to impose the four-year sentence.She said Sealy’s death deprived her and their 3-year-old son of ahusband and father.
In pleading guilty, Phengsene admitted that he had been drinkingat a friend’s home before the crash. He was driving the wrong waydown Highway 100 in St. Louis Park, a Minneapolis suburb, when hecrashed into Sealy. Sealy, 30, was returning home from a birthdayparty for teammate Kevin Garnett.
Phengsene, of Minneapolis, was convicted of misdemeanor drunkendriving in Des Moines, Iowa, three years ago.
Lisa Sealy is suing Phengsene over the crash.