Why Do We Care So Much About Barbaro?

May 22, 2006 — -- There are scores of thoroughbred horse races run every day at tracks throughout the country. But the Triple Crown races draw in the everyday, casual observers by the thousands.

The possibility that a horse could take all three is enthralling. It's a human interest story starring animals that happen to be athletes of incredible power and speed.

But we have another kind of human interest story to talk about today.

Barbaro suffered severe fractures of the right hind leg at the beginning of the Preakness Stakes race on Saturday, and the race became one to save the horse's life.

Many times -- all too often -- a horse suffering such an injury is put down right then and there. And the dreaded green curtain was brought to the track so that the public would not have to witness the horse being euthanized.

But the curtain was turned away, and a team of veterinarians went to work.

These humans were only interested in helping this magnificent animal survive -- a gallant and praiseworthy effort.

So, what can we take away from this awful occurrence?

I, for one, love animals and believe they should all be treated with dignity. But wouldn't it be nice if we all took such an interest in the people around us who need help every day? The sick, the homeless, the lonely. To love the unlovely. To give a sense of worth to those who feel worthless.

To me, this is the lesson we can all learn from Barbaro and those who cared for him this past weekend: A little bit of human interest can go an awfully long way, even for people.