Capriati Beats Hingis in Australian Open

M E L B O U R N E, Jan. 27, 2001 -- Jennifer Capriati's dreams came truetoday as she won the Australian Open and her first grandslam title to finally fulfill the promise she had shown 10years ago as a teenage protege.

"If you believe in yourself anything can happen … it showsthat dreams can come true," Capriati beamed after trouncing topseed and world No. 1 Martina Hingis, 6-4, 6-3.

After setting a series of records and tennis-firsts, 1992Olympic Gold medalist Capriati's career stalled in themid-1990s after a much publicized rebellion against authorityand run-ins with the police.

Today her rehabilitation was complete as she dismantledHingis.

The American screamed and jumped up and down after sealingthe match with a blistering backhand service return down theline.

"I got the chills and I just thought the moment has reallycome and now I can enjoy it," the 24-year-old smiledafterwards. Cool, Confident Capriati

"I thought 'why be nervous? I've gotten this far … nothingto lose … this is the last match. She (Hingis) has everythingto lose — Just go for it."'

Capriati certainly won the crown the hard way.

To win the title she had to beat Monica Seles, LindsayDavenport and Hingis — who had won eight of the last 10Australian titles between them — in succession.

"I just had to get out and start real well and jump on topof my opponents. They're taking me lightly. Maybe in thebeginning they're not starting out so well," Capriati said.

"Not only did I start well, but I was able to keep it upthe whole match.

"She (Hingis) just moves around so well and she just takesthe ball so early. You really are moving so much more with her.I was still gasping for breath at times.

"I got tired there in the first set later on when shestarted coming back … but I got a second wind there.

"I wasn't paying attention to her at all. I was justplaying my game out there.

"I knew that I'm playing Martina Hingis, and I'm not goingto think it's going to be so easy. She changed her game alittle bit. I expected that. She's a smart player.

"I think that has a lot to do with fitness. If I wasn'tdoing well physically I think I would have fallen out," shesaid.

"This time I knew it's a grand slam final and I wasn'tgoing to let my lead go," she said.