Quarterback Joe Gilliam Dies

N A S H V I L L E, Tenn., Dec. 26, 2000 -- Former Pittsburgh Steeler Joe Gilliam

Jr., who was one of the first black quarterbacks to start an NFL

game but fell into drug addiction and spent two years living under

a bridge in a cardboard box, has died at 49.

Gilliam, who was in such desperate straits at one point that hepawned his two Super Bowl rings, had finally seemed to be gettinghis life back together when he died of an apparent heart attack onChristmas Day.

Earlier this year, he started a football camp for boys at hisalma mater, Tennessee State, and was counseling drug addicts andrenewing old relationships.

“Joe had some difficult times and everybody knows that,” saidDan Rooney, president of the Pittsburgh Steelers, Gilliam’s team inthe mid-1970s. He said that a players reunion earlier this year,Gilliam “was really upbeat and in great health, probably in bettershape than anyone.”

Gilliam was dead on arrival at Baptist Hospital late Monday,hospital spokeswoman Jessica Etz said. Etz said relatives believeGilliam suffered a heart attack.

Cause of Death Not Declared

An autopsy was completed today, but the Nashville medicalexaminer won’t declare a cause of death until toxicology testsresults are returned in about a month.

Gilliam’s career was marked by a series of highs and lows,including a starting role for the Steelers in 1974, six years afterMarlin Briscoe of the Denver Broncos became pro football’s firstblack starting quarterback.

Drug problems were partly to blame for Gilliam’s benching andthe end of his NFL career.

Gilliam talked about it during a reunion of former Steelersplayers for the final game at Three Rivers Stadium earlier thismonth, telling former teammates that his life was so tough at onepoint that he lived in a cardboard box under a bridge.

“I had it all and then it disappeared, and then my lifedisappeared and now, look, I’m back with my friends again,” hesaid.

Sober for Three Years

Gilliam said he was in his third year of sobriety, a turnaroundhis father, a longtime football coach, attributed to his son’s wifeof four years and his son’s passion for football.

Gilliam Sr. now has the lost Super Bowl rings, returned to himby fans and friends a few years ago. He was waiting to give them tohis son when he thought he was ready.

The family had no comment today when reached at theirNashville apartment.

Gilliam’s big chance with the Steelers came in his third year,1974, when several veteran players, including Terry Bradshaw, wenton strike. Gilliam kept the job when Bradshaw and the othersreturned, and he led the Steelers to a 4-1-1 record.

Hate Mail and ThreatsBut many Steelers fans were unhappy, and Gilliam said he and theteam began receiving hate mail and threats.

“I thought if you played well you got to play,” Gilliam toldThe Tennessean in a 1999 interview. “I guess I didn’t understandthe significance of being a black quarterback at the time.”

Gilliam “was an excellent quarterback and could really throwthe ball,” said Dick Hoak, a Steelers assistant coach for 30years. “But Joe had problems off the field, and that hurt.”

Gilliam played little during the 1975 season, then was cut anddidn’t play in the NFL again. He played minor league football inthe late 1970s and early ’80s.

This year, his football camp had nearly 80 teenagers, andGilliam was planning another. He was hoping to become a footballcoach at a high school or college, said Woody Widenhofer, a friendand former Steelers assistant.

Howard Gentry Jr., former broadcast announcer for TennesseeState, said that when he last saw Gilliam a few weeks ago, theformer quarterback told him he was working on a book and a possiblemovie about his life.

“Everything was just positive. He looked great,” Gentry said.“He seemed to be on top of the world.”

Among Gilliam’s survivors are his father, his wife, threedaughters and two stepsons.

Funeral arrangements were incomplete today.