Super Bowl: Tom Brady, Then and Now: 2002 vs. 2015

During his first Super Bowl, Brady was trying to prove he wasn't second-string.

That's when Brady, now 37, and the Patriots scored an upset victory against the St. Louis Rams, 20-17.

Here is a look at the 2002 Brady compared to 2015:

Then: The 24-year old at the time was thrown into the starting lineup when then-quarterback Drew Bledsoe was injured early in the season.

Then: After the Super Bowl win, Brady was named MVP and thrust into the limelight. Brady and the Patriots won the Super Bowl again in 2004 and 2005.

In Aug. 2007, Moynahan gave birth to Brady's first son after the two broke up.

Now: Brady has made millions of dollars in endorsements for everything from Uggs, Movado watches, Stetson cologne and Smart Water.

Now: Brady is looking to win another Super Bowl and solidify his legacy as one of the best quarterbacks in the NFL's history.

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