TechBytes: Blekko Search Engine
Ebay gets an overhaul, xBox 360 gets a new dashboard.
Nov. 1, 2010 -- There's a new search engine in town.
Blekko makes its debut today. Its chief executive says Blekko's goal is to clean up web searches by only showing top results from websites it considers trustworthy. It will limit searches to about 3 billion approved sites.
Ebay Overhaul
Ebay is rolling out new features this week. The makeover comes ahead of the holiday shopping season. Its homepage will include recommendations and lists of hottest items. Listings for specific products such as DVDs and GPS devices are already being consolidated into a single page for each model.
xBox 360 Dashboard
The new dashboard for xBox 360 comes out today. It's a big deal because it will make xBox 360 ready for Kinect, which comes out Thursday. Kinect is the new technology that senses your body motions, so you can play games with your hands instead of a control. Anyone who wants to use Kinect will have to download the new dashboard.