TechBytes: Facebook Phone?

iPad newspapers, iPhone 4 in China.

Sept. 20, 2010— -- The Internet is buzzing with speculation that Facebook is developing a mobile phone. Techcrunchreported that Facebook is building the software, and wants a different company to build the hardware. The move would give Facebook friends a new way to keep in contact. Facebook says the report is not true.

iPad Newspapers

Apple is reportedly looking to sell newspapers and magazines on the iPad. The Wall Street Journalreports the company is trying to line up publishers. It says Apple could offer a print-subscription deal in the next month or two.

Apple iPhone 4

Apple is also making a move into China. The company announced it will begin selling the Wi-Fi enabled iPhone 4 in China on Saturday. Apple is planning to open two new stores in China that day. Sales of Wi-Fi-enabled iPads begin in China on Friday.

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