TechBytes: Facebook Photos

Apple TV Review

Oct. 1, 2010— -- Facebook Photos is getting an upgrade. Members will soon be able to upload and download print-quality, high-resolution images, flip through pictures more quickly and tag multiple images at once. The upgrade will be rolling out over the next month.

Apple TV Review

Apple released its new Apple TV last month. The set-top box allows users to rent HD movies and TV shows and stream Netflix, YouTube and other content on a big-screen TV. USA Today's Ed Baig says it has a slick interface and is easy to set up, but isn't perfect."The biggest drawback to the current version of Apple TV is you can no longer store stuff on the device because there is no hard drive. That means it's heavily weighted towards rentals," Baig said. "For people who like to actually buy content, movies and TV shows, it means you have to do it through your computer and then stream it back to Apple TV." You can read Baig's full review on