TechBytes: Mafia 2

Michael Jackson videogame, iTunes PayPal scam, speedier searches.

"The experience in the end is one of a shoot-em-up. You are driving cars to get away from the police, you're breaking into hotel rooms to assassinate a gangland figure" Ward said. "It's very standard gangster stuff, but because the setting is so beautifully specific and so historically accurate, it ends up being really immersive".Mafia 2 works with Playstation 3, Xbox 360 and Windows PC platforms.

Michael Jackson Video Game

iTunes PayPal

Google Instant Search Engine

Google is apparently testing a new feature to make its searches even faster. As the search is typed in, the results appear on the same screen and update constantly. That way, a person could immediately drag down and click on a result they like, the moment it appears. Google confirmed to Tech Crunch that a video clip of the search posted by a blogger is authentic. The company said it is always trying out ways to improve searches.

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