TechBytes: Twitter Hack Fixed

PlayStation Move Review.

Sept. 22, 2010— -- Twitter says it has fixed a flaw that allowed hackers to unleash an attack on the site. The program spammed followers with garbled messages, and caused pop-up windows to open, even if users did not click on the malicious messages. Twitter doesn't believe any user information was compromised.

PlayStation Move Review

Sony's answer to the Nintendo Wii went on sale this past weekend. The PlayStation Move is a motion-control gaming system for the PS3. The Wall Street Journal's Katie Boehret found the Move to be more precise than the Wii Remote.

"If I'm holding my arm out, I can have a virtual sword put into my hand, or a tennis racket, or a baseball bat, or that kind of thing. So, it really looks kind of incredible to see the way your hand looks," Boehret said. "You stop looking at your physical hand and start instead looking at the TV screen and really interacting with that virtual world. So I thought it was really a lot of fun."

You can read her full review on the Wall Street Journal Website.

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