TechBytes: Wal-Mart's Video Deal

In TechBytes today, Heavy Rain review, YouTube college applications and more.

Vudu rents and sells about 16,000 movies, and its service is built in to a growing number of televisions and Blu-ray players. Wal-Mart has tried video-on-demand before but failed.

Heavy Rain Review

"The most inventive thing about the game is it takes a whole new approach to controlling your character within the game and talking to other people who are also inside the game," Ackerman said.

It uses very complex dialogue trees, giving you several things you can say when you talk to another character. Each decision you make affects what happens next.

"While Heavy Rain is very inventive, it's still a little awkward in places, has some rough spots, but if you invest the time to kind of get used to the weird control scheme and how you interact with the game, I think you're gonna get a sneak peek of what the future of gaming may look like," Ackerman said.

Heavy Rain is only available on the PlayStation 3.

YouTube College Applications

As if getting into college isn't hard enough already, now you may have to come up with the next viral video on YouTube. Tufts University in Massachusetts is accepting short YouTube videos for the first time this year, as a supplement to traditional applications.

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