Antec Minuet 300

— -- 31940388 N82E16811129013 Antec Minuet 300 3000 Computer Systems Cases

Antec Inc.

0 7.5 60.65 80.06∂=abcnews

1 1 0

Removable drive cage simplifies system building; attractive glossy black exterior. Building your own SFF media center isn't as cost-effective as buying a Mac Mini Core Duo. Apple's Mac Mini Core Duo has effectively killed the small-form-factor, do-it-yourself market, which makes it hard to argue for the Antec Minuet 300, despite its cool features and slick design. If you can find a specific reason to help you justify building a SFF PC yourself, however, the Minuet 300 will serve you well.∂=abcnews

16-Jun-2006 08:08 AM PDT