Claire's Story

— -- Meet dimpled, adorable Claire, the myth-buster that proves Internet dating isn't just for the socially inept, the jaded or the too-busy-to-go-out corporate types. While she's plenty busy at her job handling the Viagra account, Claire also enjoys the New York nightlife.

She takes her love life online because "I'm always complaining that I'm not meeting the people I want to meet and here's an area where everyone is there to date on some level." And there is an added bonus, according to Claire: "online dating forces men to be nice, instead of 'hey, yo, what's your sign?'"

Frankly, a beautiful girl in New York City can get too much attention. What's a girl to do? "I like being the pursuer," Claire, 26, says, and she also likes to read profiles and screen the men she doesn't want to bother with. Claire will be the first to admit, "I screen pretty heavy. I'm not looking for Mr. Perfect, but I'm realizing there are certain things that a man just has to have for me to even be attracted to him." Those things include, but aren't limited to, a love for hip hop, the beach, family, food and wine, and the good sense to make nice to her friends. And just a tip -- leave your khaki pleated pants at home.

ABC's documentary series "Hooking Up" follows 11 women through a year of online dating. The series debuts Thursday, July 14, at 9 p.m. ET.