Celebs' Web Alter-Egos: Jim Carrey, Alicia Silverstone Go Online

Jim Carrey and Alicia Silverstone join celebs seeking stardom on the Web.

Nov. 12, 2009 — -- For some stars of the silver screen, it seems Hollywood is just not enough.

They might have the red-carpet life and all of its accoutrement, but at the end of a champagne and caviar kind of day, there's still just one more place that they want their stars to shine: the Internet.

Though the luminaries themselves may not always be the ones tapping away on keyboards, a growing class of celebrities is carving out new personas and new ways to reach fans online.

For some, it's a place to explore who they might have been had fame not come a-knockin'. For others, it's like a direct line into their creative unconscious.

Below, check out some of the stars cultivating Web identities.

Jim Carrey

Funnyman Jim Carrey is known for his bugged-out expressions and crazy comedies. But his new Web site is the actor's most mind-twisting performance yet.

Launched earlier this month, jimcarrey.com is a dark and bizarre, yet creatively rich trip into the actor's life.

The Web site's home page features a picture of the actor resting his chin on his hands over what appears to be an open book. But his face is surrounded by a Tim Burton-esque, freakishly fantastical scene.

Slices of toast burned to resemble the face of Jesus pop out of a scowling hedge. Figures of men flashing cameras flicker around tufts of Carrey's hair. A bird with the actor's head tweets random cheers and shout-outs (and links to -- what else? -- the actor's Twitter page).

Along the bottom, the menu directs viewers to his biography, the latest news, and film and TV accomplishments. But anywhere a viewer's mouse lands might take them to another hidden pocket of the actor's online existence.

A multi-colored hot air balloon floating beneath the moon zooms viewers to a Sistine Chapel-like scene of Carrey as Michelangelo's Adam. Click on the actor's eye and brace yourself for an up-close-and-personal look at the actor's dilated pupil and every eyelash.

Though the site is young, it's already attracted the attention it deserves.

The weekend it launched, Carrey tweeted: "WOW guys! you overwhelmed my website today! i'm jacking up the band width asap! wasn't expecting so much love! SSSSS'NICE!! :)}"

Alicia Silverstone

Take a look at her Web site and the actress of "Clueless" fame looks anything but.

Pegged to the launch of her new vegan cookbook, "The Kind Diet," Alicia Silverstone says her Web site, thekindlife.com, is "about living your healthiest and happiest life to the fullest, while taking care of mama Earth at the same time!"

As she eats the food and visits that places that make up her "kind life," she blogs and posts pictures of the experiences online.

The site covers "food," "health," "house," "style" and "environment," but also includes a forum for readers to talk to each other and to her.

If you want to speak to the new green goddess herself, you might want to check it out. From the looks of it, the actress is pretty active in the site's forum.

"The site is whatever you make of it; whether it's joining the many others who are on this same journey or simply visiting to gather information and other tips," Silverstone says on the site. "Whatever you need, you will find it here."

Gwyneth Paltrow

Onscreen, she's got street cred: An Oscar for "Shakespeare in Love," starring roles in critically acclaimed films like "The Royal Tenenbaums" and "Proof." But on the Web, Gwyneth Paltrow's a kind of lifestyle maven -- Martha Stewart meets Oprah Winfrey -- and initially she got mixed reviews.

Paltrow's Web site, Goop.com, debuted last fall to a backlash.

First, there was the name, which sounds more appropriate for kids' finger paint than an adult-focused advice site.

Then, there was the issue that Paltrow's random musings are organized into sections with amorphous names like "Make," "Go," "Get," "Do," "Be" and "See."

Still, despite the rocky start, the celeb's site still appears to be going strong. Women around the world continue to receive the star's Thursday morning newsletter and turn to the site for the actress' latest finds.

Kanye West

Onstage, he's known for his arrogant attitude and ability to put on a show. (West's "Glow in the Dark" tour was less rap show, more apocalyptic space opera -- featuring an alien doll descending from above and enough dry ice to drop the heat of the Serengeti.)

But on his blog, West waxes poetic about his passion for fashion, art and design.

In a recent post after his Taylor Swift debacle, however, the actor let his virtual and real worlds cross when he issued an apology on his blog:

"I'm sooooo sorry to Taylor Swift and her fans and her mom," he wrote. "I spoke to her mother right after and she said the same thing my mother would've said. She is very talented! I like the lyrics about being a cheerleader and she's in the bleachers! I'm in the wrong for going on stage and taking away from her moment!"

Lindsay Lohan

She really doesn't have to do anything to retain her fame but show up at clubs in her hot minidress du jour. Lindsay Lohan's been a tabloid fixture for years, regardless of what acting/singing/nude modeling project she has on her plate.

But Lohan's also making waves with what she's doing online.

When she started her MySpace blog last fall, she dedicated a few posts to bashing Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin.

But she quickly moved on to other hot topics -- family dramas starring her father, her on-again-off-again romance with Samantha Ronson (now in the "off" position) and music she likes.

The star went a bit silent on her blog but issued the apology below to her fans earlier this fall:

"i'm sorry that i haven't written anyone here on Myspace in a bit, i've been traveling A LOT and pretty much out of the loop in terms of most things, aside from FASHION and the collection i've been designing with Estrella Archs (who is so wonderful!!) … gotta run off to work now... lots of love always and forever."