Palm Folds the Foleo
-- Palm folds the Foleo: Scary news. If companies stop putting out incredibly silly and ill-advised products, what will we have left to talk about?iPhone price cut: Only Apple could make users complain that prices dropped too far, too quickly. Enjoy your $100 at the Apple Store, whiners!Google Phone rumors: We'll have to see the hardware, but a phone for Google Apps would be sweet. Let's hope it costs less than a share of Google stock.NBC dumps Apple for Amazon: Guess we'll have to get Heroes on our iPods from BitTorrent or friends' ripped DVDs. Just how you planned it--right, NBC?The Ringle: Nice job, music industry! Your hot new concept (ring tones bundled with CD singles) sounds like those chips that come in a tennis ball can.Cameras with YouTube mode: We are all for more clips of people playing the Super Mario Bros. theme song, but are camera vendors this bereft of ideas?