Four Reasons Why You Should Care About White Space

— -- When the television broadcast spectrum turns digital in February, a massive amount of unused "white space" will open up. Now that the FCC has approved the use of broadband devices to function within this white space, a multitude of new opportunities for consumers and manufacturers awaken. Here are a few prospects we can all get excited about.

Healthy Competition

Once the space is open, many more companies looking to invest in wireless broadband services can jump on board. This means an increased number of Internet service providers and manufacturers of handheld broadband devices will hit the market in no time at all, giving consumers broader choices. The more competition, the more competitive the prices--the consumer wins big here.

Also, those who haven't been eligible to tap into ultra-fast wireless connectivity due to geographical location will now have that opportunity.

Fastest Wi-Fi Ever

FCC Chairman Kevin Martin prophesized that the opened white space would create "Wi-Fi on steroids," and he's not far off the mark. This newly released wireless broadband can penetrate through walls and have a much longer range than the Wi-Fi to which we're currently accustomed.

Powerful Cellphone Networks

As data download speeds intensify, VoIP may become a more valid alternative to cellular phone signals. This may also open the eyes of many cellphone providers to the capabilities the Internet holds in terms of how our phones function. Best of all, with competition driving prices low, cellular users will be given a wider range of choices when deciding upon a phone.

Insane Innovation

The sky is no longer the limit. With wireless soon becoming massively available, any and every device you can think of could become Internet capable, putting a universe of information at your fingertips. Your wildest sci-fi dreams of interconnectivity may soon come true.