Gears of War 2 Sells Over 2 Million Copies in First Week

— -- Gears of War 2 sold over 2 million copies in its first release week. Anyone surprised? According to VGChartz, it managed 2.1 million units on day one alone, which is a bit of a throw from Halo 3's $3.8 million last year, but then Gears 2 was only on sale for two days due to the November 4th election (it went on sale Friday November 7th). There's another game I've had plenty of nice things to say about, incidentally, though I probably could have called it a love letter from design lead Cliff Bleszinski to Dean Devlin or Michael Bay (which it most certainly isn't) and it would've only sold that many more.

What's up with all the great games lately? Fable 2, Fallout 3, Gears 2, Mirror's Edge. I've finally started Far Cry 2 and while I can already see the tiny annoyances that could morph into prickly irritations, I'm not really getting anywhere because I'm having too much fun sneaking around setting stuff on fire and testing the AI to see how deep the behavioral rabbit hole goes. (Yes, I said 'fun', which is only a lazy word for writers who don't know how to use it properly.)

Somewhere on my radar is Red Alert 3 (the PC version, because the console version's just too confusing). I hear Treyarch's Spiderman: Web of Shadows may be better than its aggregator number score tells, though breath not held in anticipation. And now Call of Duty: World at War (i.e. Call of Duty 5) is getting the sort of reviews Call of Duty 3 didn't, but Call of Duty 4 did, which makes me wish the guys at Infinity Ward would leave the sniping to the professionals.

Anyway, so come on developers, would you please screw up a little? There's nothing in my review stack to right and properly mock.